Saturday, August 5, 2017

Here's A Rare Interview That I Just Did

So I decided to do a bit of a different post this morning, I did an interview with my buddy Ken who just published the number one issue of Discoball Man, an original comic book that ain't part of the big three!  I recorded the whole thing so you could read our conversation:

What is it you do that you were able to develop this comic?

What do I do??? I think anyone can make a comic book if they want.. I mean it’s not like I am the love child of Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane or maybe I am, either way my lawyer says I can’t talk about that. If you are asking what I do for a job, I make propaganda films or documentary films, which are the same thing.

What was the inspiration for the comic?
Honestly, Discoball Man is a collage of many people but mostly one person. The real individual who inspired the Discoball Man, I won’t mention is actual name as he wants to remain anonymous, lead me to create a character for a YouTube video. I couldn’t do his adventures justice in video form because I lacked the funding.  I am married with kids so I can’t just spend money like I did when I was 20, so I decided to put his adventures into Comic Book form. Then when we created the comic, I wanted it to be more than just another comic…  So we did things a bit differently.  We treated it like a novel/journal.. The whole comic takes place from Disco’s perspective... And there are tons of Easter Eggs in every story... If you are into Comics, pop culture, Movies, TV shows there is something in there left for you to find.
Why Discoball Man? Are you a fan of the 70's?
I actually find the 70’s to be a hilarious time in History.. You have Watergate, you have the end of the Hippies, the beginning of the Disco Divas, you have really horrible fashion.. Ugly shag carpeting.. Kitchen Appliances that are green. Cars that are brown with Orange Interior. In addition, if you can get ahold of some comics from the 70’s you will be wowed by the ridiculousness of it all. It was a much more fun era to live in.. at least from a Nostalgic point of view.. The 70’s and 80’s were fun.. The 90’s got a shade darker.. and when we got here to the 21st century it’s just bleak.. I was like screw that lets bring back the hip grooviness.

How did you and Amy collaborate on this project?
I have known Amy for going on a decade. We work together. I did not know she was an Artist though until like 3 years ago. I had this other story that was a children’s book I had wanted to do and couldn’t get an artist to finish it so she started on it.. Around the same time, I started doing the Discoball Man videos. I then started looking for an artist to help make the comic... I did not want to bother her with it but after like 5 artist let me down (artists are a fickle) she mentioned she would like to give it a try.
Did you give Amy creative freedom in interpreting the comic?
Amy had complete creative freedom on the characters except for Disco. Since I had done the videos, I wanted his costume to be the same. She drew all the characters, and runs them by me.. Normally I just say perfect and go with it.. Occasionally I will make a suggestion like maybe add an afro or something.
What are you thoughts on the final Product?
I think it looks fantastic... It actually came out better than I expected. As the pages were done and I saw what Amy was creating, I was like “WOW this is really happening... and it looks good.”
How do you want to develop the this series?
Well for now, we want to keep pumping out Comics, which we are doing… You can find them on Amazon, Just search “Discoball Man Book.”  It is in both paperback and kindle versions. I would love to get back to doing more live action Disco Video’s with a bigger budget, or even turning his adventures into an animated series… Amy and I are looking into the animation process.
Where can we expect to see Discoball Man to go from here? How far ahead have you thought out the story line?
The sky is the limit as they say. I have already completed 10 comics. And roughed out the next 10.
Can we expect some plush dolls or action figures from this series?
You never know. I might have to give Todd McFarlane a call and see if he is willing to make the action figures. 
What is it you want people to take away from this comic after reading it?
I want them to jump into Disco’s world… to search out each comic for the hidden gems we sprinkled about. I want them to say this cat has wings; I am hooked to his jive. I want them to reach out and send Disco a tweet ask him a question.. (which is another thing that we got in every comic.. you send a questions so he answers them, and you get to be a part of the comic. At the end of the day, I want them to feel like Discoball Man is not just a hero you read about but a hero you can interact with, he is your friend.  
So you need to go online and check out this comic book.  Not just because it's a fun read, but because it's an independent that wants to make it, and should make it.  Like I said, it's not part of the big three, so it should get some love!  Make sure you check it out!

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