Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wait...Jimmy Olsen Was In Batman v Superman?!?

Jimmy Olsen
Blink and you may have missed him. 

If you haven't seen the movie yet, be warned...***SPOILERS*** ahead!

Some people who went to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this past weekend noticed that Jimmy Olsen was shown to have appeared in the movie during the end credits.  So where was he?

Turns out that Jimmy Olsen was the CIA reporter that meets up with Lois Lane while she's on assignment in Africa.  You know, the one who dies.  So why kill off such an important character in the world of Superman?  Here's what director Zach Snyder had to say about Jimmy Olsen:

“We just did it as this little aside because we had been tracking where we thought the movies were gonna go, and we don’t have room for Jimmy Olsen in our big pantheon of characters, but we can have fun with him, right?"
Even though he didn't get to say anything in the theatrical release of the movie, he will be getting to say his line when "Ultimate Edition" comes out on DVD and Blu-ray later this summer.  In that scene, he goes up to Lois and says, "Lois Lane, I'm Jimmy Olsen, photographer, obviously...you know, I've been assigned to you for this mission," or something along those lines. 
Snyder originally wanted to hire a big named actor to play the role, so fans would be caught off guard when he ended up getting killed.  His first thought for the role was Jesse Eisenberg, before he ended up being cast for Lex Luthor.  Snyder, who was talking to EW said, “I thought, if it were Jesse Eisenberg and he got out and he goes, ‘I’m Jimmy Olsen,’ you’d be like, oh my God, we’re gonna have Jimmy Olsen in the whole movie, right?’” Snyder says. “And then if he got shot, you’d just be like, ‘What!? You can’t do that."  He continued, “I said, ‘I want to do this misdirect and you’d be great. You’d be a great Jimmy Olsen,’” the director says. “And he’s like, ‘Yeah, that’s cool,’ and he was being very Jesse in the meeting. Introverted but constantly going, ‘Okay, I see, uh-huh. So it’s sort of a pop-culture redirect, you’re gonna do, because of the certain status of an actor…”  At the time of this interview, they were considering Bryan Cranston for the role of Lex, but ended up changing his vision of the character and gave the role to Eisnberg.

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