Tuesday, May 19, 2015

DC's Legends Of Tomorrow


Here's another cool series that's going to be making it's way onto the small screen!  Have you seen the trailer yet?  No?  Okay, then here you go:

I have to admit, this is the one new series that I'm really getting jazzed about.  There are a number of things in this trailer that make me excited to see it.  Let's go over the different things that were shown in the trailer that you may or may not have missed.

First, let's talk about the obvious.  Sara Lance is back, but she is no longer the Canary, now she is the White Canary.  Now, there is a DC character that is called the White Canary, but she is nothing like the character that will be introduced in the Legends of Tomorrow.  It looks like they will be resurrecting Sara Lance via the Lazarus Pit.  Maybe this is Malcolm Merlyn's way of making things right with Oliver for making him the new Ra's.  Just a thought...

Next, let's talk about the time travel aspect of the show.  It looks like they will be traveling all over time, fighting the armies of Vandal Savage, and immortal that will be introduced into the Arrow-verse.  Rip Hunter is introduced, and he is a member of the "Time Masters."  Looks like he will give the team the ability to travel through time...and maybe Dr. Wells?  Did you see him sitting in the Time Sphere in the trailer?  Is that how he plans on returning to the future?  But that wasn't the coolest part of that scene!  Check this out!

Can you tell what's laying in the corner of this shot?  Here's a behind-the-scene picture of the same shot:

Yes, that looks like Dr. Wells, but that also looks like Jay Garrick's Flash Helmet!  Will more Speedsters be arriving in this DC television universe?  There were already rumors about introducing Wally West  on Flash next season, but does this mean that Jay Garrick will be appearing as well?

Next, one of the most absent names in this upcoming series is that of Robbie Amell.  If he isn't going to be appearing in the Legends of Tomorrow, how is it that Firestorm is apart of the team?  is this going to be revealed with the introduction of Franz Drameh's character?  Is he going to somehow become another part of the Firestorm matrix?  We're just going to have to wait and find out!

The last thing that I want to mention is the fact that the ATOM finally lives up to his name...or rather, "down" to his name.  How cool was that watching Palmer shrink down into the size of a fly?

Right now, Legends of Tomorrow is set to be a mid-season premier on the CW, with 13 episodes (I think, I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's 13!) set for release.  Think of this as their version of ABC's Agent Carter.

What were your thoughts on the new trailer?  Do you think that this is going to help the already-established universe that's been created, or do you think that maybe they're moving things a little too fast?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and I'll be back again tomorrow!

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