Friday, May 8, 2015

A Taste Of "Legends Of Tomorrow" A Little Sooner Than You'd Expect

                               The Flash Future Newspaper Hawkgirl The Flashs Future Revealed: What Fans May Have Missed

The Arrow only has one episode left, and we're getting down to the last two for Flash, and it looks like they are pulling out all of the stops!  Ciara Rence, who will be playing Hawkgirl in the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow series which will be a spin off of both Arrow and Flash, recently tweeted that she and some of her cast mates will be appearing in the Flash's season one finale.  So how do they fit into the Arrow-verse?  A couple of weeks ago, we got a little peek at what their future holds.

When Barry, Cisco, and Caitline discovered "Dr. Well's" secret chamber, they also discovered a newspaper headline from the future.  One of the obvious reveals (since they actually made a point of mentioning it) was that it was written by "Iris West-Allen."  I'm sure Barry's heart was all a-flutter, but what else did this article from the future tell us?  The first thing we see mentioned is the name of the people who were with the Flash when he disappears, one of them being Hawkgirl.  Seems to me that Ciara's character will be playing a big part in the upcoming show.

                               The Flash Future Newspaper Green Arrow The Flashs Future Revealed: What Fans May Have Missed

The second thing that stood out was the mention of Green Arrow.  While the future of Oliver Queen seems a little up in the air right now, it also seems that he'll finally be getting the name "Green"Arrow.  How this transformation comes to be still isn't known, but I'm sure Berlanti, Guggenheim, and Kreisberg already have a plan for his reveal.

Something else that was mentioned was the promotion of Joe West to Chief of Police.  In the article it reads:

Central City Police Chief, Joe West, held a press conference in the wee hours of the morning, stating, "we don't have very many details right now.  What we do know is tonight Central City's greatest protector vanished in a flash.  We can only hope he returns just as quickly."  A sentiment shared by all who call this great city home.

Other details from the article tell of eye witness accounts of the battle between the Flash and the Reverse-Flash.  Here's what they said:

According to reports, as The Flash and Reverse-Flash battled with each other between two overturned tanker trucks, the lightning emanating from the speedsters threatened to ignite spilled oil leaking from one of the trucks.

The smoke from the truck's engine made it difficult to see, but it appeared at one point they were having a very heated conversation before continuing the fight.  Then, suddenly, The Flash sped after Reverse-Flash, and the two vanished, leaving The Atom, Green Arrow and Hawkgirl behind.

An eyewitness who watched the battle from her apartment building before being evacuated said, "It was hard to see, but The Flash and Reverse-Flash were zipping up and down M(___?) Avenue and then there was a whole bunch of lightning, and then nothing.  It was weird."

Other witnesses described a similar phenomenon: a blinding light followed by darkness.  Then the sky returned to black.  And as the streets quieted, it took only a moment to realize The Flash and Reverse-Flash were gone without a trace.

The "Red Sky" and the repeated use of the word "Crisis" in the article are making many believe that the comic book story Crisis on Infinite Earths is being heavily drawn off of. One sad note, though, in the comic book, Barry Allen dies.\

One last note.  Even though it seems that Eobard Thawne's plans have moved ahead faster than he was expecting, the article hasn't changed any, so whatever the outcome at this season's finale, expect to see a lot more of Reverse-Flash!

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