Monday, September 16, 2019

How Spider-Man Could Return To The MCU

I'm only going to be able to do one post today (I apologize), but just got off of a 13.5 hour shift and I'm really tired.  But I thought this was interesting enough to share before dozing off.  I know that there has been a lot of back and forth over whether or not Spider-Man will stay apart of the MCU, and to be honest, with all of the tug-of-warring going on with him, he's more like Stretch Armstrong than our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.  So what is it going to take to get him back into the MCU?  The answer might be a purchase of Sony.

Apple has been wanting to get into the streaming business for a while now.  For them to do this, it would be easier for them to just purchase an existing company than try to go through all of the troubles of negotiating with studios and companies to get the rights for streaming.  It's been long rumored that Apple has been interested in purchasing Sony.  While Sony's CEO has openly said that he's not interested in a buyout, money does talk and Apple has plenty of it to spend.  So this could actually happen.

So what does this have to do with Spider-Man?  It's in Sony's agreement that when they purchased the IP of Spider-Man that if the company was ever sold, then Spider-Man would revert to Marvel (yes, "revert" not "revert back." You can't "revert back" to something.  This bothers me when I hear it.  Do you know how many authors make this mistake?  Sorry, I digress.)  The long and short of it is, if Apple buys Sony, they lose Spider-Man, it goes back to Marvel, and then bing bang boom...he's back in the MCU.

I'm not much for large companies getting too much of a hold on things (like Disney and every movie property out there!) but I am actually pulling for this one to happen.  Since Sony thinks that they have talented writers (you know, like the ones that gave us The Amazing Spider-Man 2) this might be the only option out there that could save us from another disaster.

I want to know what you all think about this, though.  Would you be for it? Against it?  Let me know by posting your comments in the section below, or you can reach me on Facebook at Comconoclast or on MeWe under Comconocave.  Look forward to hearing from you.

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