Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sony And The MCU Can Learn From Comics

This character is one of the better ones that Marvel Comics has given life to, only second to Miles Morales' Spider-Man.  Not only is she an amazing hero on the pages of comic books, but she might also be a hero in the real world by showing Sony and Marvel how their Spider-Man/Peter Parker can exist in two separate movie universes.

If you haven't been keeping up with Spider-Gwen (now Ghost Spider), she is an alternate universe "Spider-Man" who had her secret identity outed and now is known by everybody.  Sound familiar?  In order to maintain a somewhat normal existence and complete her college career, she enrolled to an alternate universe.  So now she lives at home with her family and friends, while going to college in the "mainstream Marvel Universe."  Of course, in doing so, she dons her costume in both realities when the need occurs.  

Over in the real world, Sony and Marvel Studios have come to an agreement that will allow Sony's Spider-Man property to remain in the MCU for another two movies, while also allowing him to appear in their own Spider-Verse movies, which include Venom 2, Morris, and Kraven the Hunter,  which is rumored to be in the works.  The question had come up as to how Tom Holland's Peter Parker would be able to exist in two different movie universes.  With the Ghost Spider situation mirroring what is to happen in the cinematic universes, we might have a better understanding as to how this may happen.

Marvel Comics may have known that this was going to be a possibility prior to the whole Sony/Marvel Studios negotiations happening and did this to Ghost Spider to give a road map as to how it could be achievable.  After all, they knew that Spider-Man was only given to the MCU temporarily.  Agreeing to Tom Holland being able to exist in the two universes was probably what led to the agreement.

One thing that hasn't been reported on quite as much as it should have is the fact that Sony's Spider-verse characters will be allowed to make references to the characters in the MCU.  There are limitations to what they can say, and they can only be done in movies that Tom Holland appears in, but it might be one step closer to the combinations of the two universes.  I mean, after Sony establishes more characters and story lines, what movie would be bigger than a crossover event between the two studios?  Nothing on this front has been mentioned, I'm just thinking out loud here...but wouldn't it be something if this happened?

Let me know your thoughts on everything that's happening over at Sony and Marvel Studios, and let me know what your take is on my "brain storming" up above.

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