Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Number Of Marvel Actors Wanting A Piece Of The Star Wars Action

Captain America, meet the Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Okay, maybe not Captain America, but Chris Evans is showing interest in going Kevin Feige in his move over to Lucasflim.  Feige has recently been moved...well, he'll be doing double duty with Marvel and Lucasfilm, in the hopes of bring the fledgling series up to the prominence that Disney knows it could be.

Feige has done incredible work on the MCU, even through the battles with Marvel's former head honcho Ike Perlmutter.  Perlmutter was not one who believed in the comic book movie, and never wanted to spend the money on these films that ended up giving us some of the greatest story lines in the shared universe.  Perlmutter was demoted to running Marvel's television properties, and as you can see from the shows that he produces, they do not come close to whaat we would expect from Disney or Marvel in the sense of quality.  All of that is about to change though, as I have mentioned in a previous post regarding Marvel's television department and their upcoming shows on Disney+/  So let's get back to my main topic.

Feige has been moved over to Lucasfilm mainly because he can see the big picture and plan out a storyline years and projects in advance.  He has proved this with his work on the MCU.  With the current Star Wars situation, it a hodgepodge of different writers and directors trying to tell a unified story, and it's coming across as such.  With the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga,  Disney's next foray into a Galaxy Far, Far Away needs to be a cohesive  tale, one that has been worked through from beginning to end, and not just scrapped together in the hopes that something will work.  Feige will be able to bring this continuity to the Star Wars universe, something that it has desperately needed.

When I was a kid and began watching the Star Wars movies, I believed that I knew these characters, I was invested in them.  That isn't something that I have felt when watching these new movies.  They have the same number of movies to their trilogies, but I don't feel like I know, or even care, about any of them.  So what has changed?  I really don't know, I just don't feel the same connection to them that I did with the original characters of Luke, Han, and Leia.

Feige is good at fleshing out characters and making the audience feel an emotional response to what is happening on the screen. This is the one thing that I think has been missing in the most recent trilogy.  Now that he is in charge of the next series of films, Feige will need competent actors to help him flesh out his story, so why not dip into a pool that he already has access to?  Chris Evans and Brie Larson are both MCU alum that have shown interest in joining him over at Lucasflim..Having these two brought over would help his transition, as well as the audience's, into a new chapter of the Star Wars story by giving us actors that we are already familiar with and know we like watching perform.  While it's too soon to tell if either or both will be brought on board, the fact that they are showing an interest in sticking with the House of Mouse is a bit encouraging.

What are your thoughts on Feige's new role, and who would you like to see him bring on board? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below, or you can leave them on my Facebook page, The Comconoclast.

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