Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Theories About C3P0's Red Eyes

There were a lot of take aways from D23, and the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker definitely had people talking.  The trailer that they showed went back to the Original Trilogy, included scenes from the Prequels, and footage from the two most recent films in the Trilogy's trilogy.  But it was the footage that we hadn't seen that everyone was buzzing about.  

Surprisingly, one of the most discussed scenes on the web right now is the footage that shows C3PO with red eyes.  With everyone's theories on why he has red eyes, I'm amazed that someone hasn't suggested that C3PO is high...no wait, someone just said that he's stoned and his circuits are "fried."  My bad.  

The most agreed upon theory is that he's been hacked.  In the comics, in the canon lore, when a robot has red eyes, he's been compromised.  Some of the theories, though, are quite out there.  I'll give you my they in a moment, but here are some of the things that people are saying...

"What if C3PO was the Phantom Menace all along?"

"C3PO goes from having a red arm in TFA to now red eyes in TROS.  All these years you thought Jar Jar was the Sith?"

"Wait, Snoke, still alive, hacks C3PO"

"Most people will focus on all of those Star Destroyers or how Rey throws a light saber like Thor throwing a hammer, but don't sleep on C3PO's eyes glowing red right before that monster blaster shot.  I'm assuming he becomes all=powerful and, finally, kills his many tormentors."

That last one is in reference to the scene in the trailer that shows a Death Star sized blast onto the surface of a planet.  Okay, now my theory.  It's not a good one, but it's what popped into my head.  They have been teasing the return of Vader, and maybe Hayden Christensen.  He's not listed on IMDB, so this is probably wrong, but listen...Anikin built C3PO.  There's got to be a connection.  What if he's the one that somehow hacks C3PO and is able to manipulate him from the spirit world, or the Force realm, or whatever it's being referred to?  Why not? It's not any more out there that Snoke taking over his circuits.

Do I believe  my own theory? Not really, but I do think that Vader, or more to the point Anikin, may play a part in it.  We'll all find out soon enough when it hits theaters this December.

Let me know your theory on C3PO's red eyes in the comments below.

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