Thursday, August 22, 2019

One Avengers:Endgame Cameo You May Have Missed...

Now that Avengers: Endgame has been released on digital and Blu-Ray, people are able to go back and look at scenes more closely to pick up on things that they missed in theaters.  One of the most interesting things found was during the scene where Tony Stark goes back into the past to Camp Lehigh Army base in 1970.  He ends up in an underground bunker searching for the Tesseract.  It turns out that this is the same bunker that was featured in Captain America : The Winter Soldier.  If you look closely in this scene, there are rows of green computer screens lining the bunker, and while it's hard to tell at a quick glance, the VXR reel shows that it is the face of Arnim Zola.

In the movie after Tony Stark finds the Tesseract, we hear Howard Stark calling for Arnim, so it seems that Howard had a bit of a hand at moving his consciousness from his physical form to his computer form.

Considering that The Winter Soldier was the Russo brother's first outing in the MCU, it makes since that they would stick something like this into their culmination of The Infinity Saga.  It shows me that they appreciate the work that they've done, and also appreciate the Easter Eggs that fans love to search for.

What Easter Eggs have you found in Avengers: Endgame?  I've given you two so far in separate posts, now I want to hear from you.  Let me know what you've found in the comments section down below.

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