Thursday, June 8, 2017

When The Marvel Cosmic Universe Will Begin

According to James Gunn, director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, it's third installment will be the "beginning of a whole other element of the Marvel Cosmic universe."

Gunn recently sat down with IGN to talk about the new Guardians theme ride at Disney, and of course, questions soon turned to what the Guardians role in Infinity War will be, as well as where Marvel and Disney want to go to expand their franchises.

"We talk about it all the time. It’s already a part of what I’m doing with Marvel and the conversations that Kevin and I have every day. When we’re talking about Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and that story, that’s a story that will lead to other stories. It’s innate to the DNA that that’s the end of a trilogy but it’s the beginning of a whole other element of the Marvel Cosmic universe. That’s a part of what I’m doing now."

The Marvel Cosmic universe was not always a sure thing, even though Marvel wanted to incorporate it into their story telling.  When it was first announced that Guardians of the Galaxy was going to be the first Marvel movie set in outer space, many critics thought that the movie would be Marvel's first box office bomb.  I mean, a talking tree and a talking raccoon?  Who would go and see that?  The movie obviously proved the critics wrong, and due to the characters bond and the trials that they went through together, the movie took on a life of itself and is consider one of the best and most loved films that Marvel has produced so far.  It's sequel is still out in theaters, and a third installment has already been confirmed, but we won't have to wait until then to see the Guardians in action again, they'll be appearing in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War...but how will they be incorporated into the film without losing their charm and the feel from their own movies?  Enter James Gunn.

"I think my situation with Infinity War is almost exactly the same was what my situation with this is. It’s dealing with the characters, changing what needs to be changed, saying what’s being done well and checking in and making sure everything is going to plan."

Yes, since Guardians is pretty much Gunn's baby, he's on hand to help work the Guardians into the Russo's film.  And it doesn't sound like Gunn's work will stop there.  It sounds like he's going to be in charge of moving Marvel's Cosmic universe forward and will help coordinate who, where, and when things will take place in it.  Rumors have Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 coming out some time in 2020, so after that, the next Marvel movie may not be bound to Earth, but soaring through space.

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