Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Completely Different Type Of Batman Movie

Before I begin, it should be said that it's been confirmed that Ben Affleck will indeed be the Caped Crusader in the upcoming Batman solo film.  There was some question as to whether or not he'd be in it (my guess is that it had to deal with some of the personal problems he'd been going through with his divorce) after he stepped down as it's director, but Matt Reeves, it's new director, did say that Affleck will be Batman in the film.  But speaking of Matt Reeves...

There had been rumors that after Reeves took over the reigns as director, the movie had gone through a complete rewrite, but now that's not sounding to be very accurate.  It's being said that the vision that Affleck had for the movie is essentially the same as Reeves' idea for the film.  Their idea?  Go a different direction with his character, which means focus more of Bruce Wayne's detective skills and less on his superhero skills.  That's not to say he won't be doing superhero stuff, but it won't be the main tone for the film, like nearly all of the previous Batman movies.

Matt Reeves recently sat down with New Trailer Buzz while going around promoting his upcoming film, War for the Planet of the Apes, and of course, the topic of the Batman movie came up.  Here's what he had to say about it:

“I think there’s a chance to do an almost noir-driven, detective version of Batman that is point of view driven in a very, very powerful way that is hopefully going to connect you to what’s going inside of his head, and inside of his heart.”

He went on to compare Bruce Wayne to Caesar from War for the Planet of the Apes by saying that they both are tortured characters that still try to do the right thing.  The Batman movie was originally slated for release in 2018, but after Affleck stepped down, the project's been pushed back and no release date has been given.  I'll keep you updated on the film as more information becomes available. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for that planet if the apes movie. I'm not real excited about seeing Ben Affleck playing Batman, though. He's no Christian Bale.
