Friday, April 28, 2017

Indiana Jones 5...How Far Are They In Getting This Made?

When Disney purchased Lucasfilm and all of the movie rights within it, the big news was that we were going to be getting new Star Wars movies, but they also purchased the rights to Indiana Jones, previously a Paramount property.  So what do you do if you own some of the most iconic characters in cinema history?  You make a movie with them.  Indiana Jones 5 is currently being worked on, and so far all we know is that Harrison Ford will be returning to play the title character, Steven Spielberg will be returning as director, George Lucas is titled as being one of the executive producers, John Williams will be writing the score for the films, and David Koepp is set to write the screenplay.  So where are they going to go with Indiana Jones in the future?  Ford won't be able to play Indy forever, right?  Bob Iger, the head of Disney, was recently asked if they would have Indy pass the torch to a younger character to continue the franchise like they did with Star Wars.  Here's what he had to say:

"Not like Star Wars, but we hope...right now, we're focused on a reboot, or a continuum and then a reboot of some sort.  Well, we'll bring him back, then we have to figure out what comes next.  That's what I mean.  It's not really a reboot, it's a boot - a reboot.  I don't know.  We [got] Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the film.  But then what's the direction?  I've had discussions about what the direction is, [but] I don't want to get into it.  I don't think it reaches the scale of the universe of Star Wars, but I see making more.  It won't be just a one-off."

Clear as mud, right?  This is why I don't think that Iger should be allowed to talk about movies that his company is producing.  You just read what he said about the future of Indiana Jones, and he recently said, while talking about the Han Solo stand-alone movie, that Han Solo wasn't really Han Solo's name.  Kathleen Kennedy had to go out and do damage control, telling everybody that Iger misspoke, and that, yes Han Solo is his real name. Like I said in my earlier post...Bob, stick with stock markets and portfolios and leave the movie side of things to the professionals.  Indiana Jones 5 is scheduled for release some time in 2020.

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