Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Will Joss Whedon Join The DCEU? Wonder Woman Director Weighs In

There's been a lot of talk lately about the DCEU movies, especially with the upcoming Wonder Woman and Justice League movies coming out this year, but the news that has been the most exciting is the one about Joss Whedon possibly writing and directing a Batgirl movie.  It's not really that unusual for a director to jump from one franchise to another, JJ Abrams did it with Star Trek and Star Wars, and the fact that Whedon is a die-hard comic book fan has a lot of people excited.  Even Patty Jenkins, the director of Wonder Woman, seems pretty jazzed about it:

“I don’t even know if that deal is done or not – I don’t have the inside scoop on that, but if it is done, then I’m excited about it. I think it’s super exciting, the tone of Joss’ work is great for female superheroes. He takes such a fun approach and I think he’ll have fun in the DC universe, which will be excited to have him.”

Whedon has a long history of giving fans strong female leads in his television shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dollhouse.  As one article pointed out, even Firefly, which was more of an ensemble of space pirates, had strong female characters.  That's what's going to be needed for this movie to work.  The DCEU is already getting the jump on competitor Marvel, who has yet to create a movie that features a female lead.  Captain Marvel is in the works, but considering that it'll be something like the seventeenth or eighteenth movie that Marvel has put out, that's not a very good track record.  On the other hand, Wonder Woman will be the fourth movie put out by WB for the DCEU.

While it's all still just rumors, if I hear anything else about this I'll let you know.  If it does turn out to be true, though, it would be a huge shot in the arm for the DCEU!

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