Friday, April 21, 2017

Deadpool Finally Gets An Arch-Nemesis In Graphic Novel

Rob Liefeld, one half of the duo that created Deadpool (the other half is Fabian Nicieza), will soon introduce an original graphic novel that he's been wanting to do for over a decade.  The OGN is titled, "Deadpool: Bad Blood," an Liefeld first came up with the idea nearly fifteen years ago, but only now is this project a reality.  He'll be introducing an original Deadpool arch-nemesis, something that Deadpool has been sorely lacking for sometime.  Here's what Liefeld had to say in his own words while talking with IGN:

“Deadpool does not have an arch-nemesis of note. If you look at Deadpool's history, he's either fighting lots of different versions of himself, he's killing the Marvel Universe, or he's battling villains from Howard the Duck.  He does not have a rich rogues gallery and somewhere along the way it was neglected. I can't speak to why there isn't one. But if you're going to say a villain of Deadpool's, I'm going to tell you what other character's rogues he came from. There was a three-parter where he battled Doctor Bong. Doctor Bong has a bell for a head and he hits it and it goes [makes loud bell bonging noise] -- he's from Howard the Duck. When he squares off against the Serpent Society, well those are Captain America villains. When he battles the Taskmaster, that's an Avengers villain. My whole thing is, where's his arch-nemesis? This has been gnawing at me for 15 years, so they [Marvel Comics] were wonderful to let me delve into this.”

Deadpool's new arch-nemesis is named "Thumper," and while Liefeld wouldn't give much information of the guy, he did say this:

“During the story, you will discover that [Deadpool] and Thumper have crossed paths in the past, and it's always that Deadpool is ambushed, and Thumper understands that Deadpool can't be killed, so he beats him to the highest threshold of pain that Deadpool can feel and then leaves him. You'll see that Deadpool remembers this guy foiling him on some past missions, but he seems to appear and disappear very quickly. So now in this story we open up that they are after the same MacGuffin, and so this time Deadpool is pretty determined to get his item back and to solve this mystery, so then we flash back to 1990 and do an entire sequence that has all the X-Force characters from that era and do a nice fun flashback that sheds some light on Thumper."

This is a pretty big deal, because the art work in this OGN is done by none other than Liefeld himself.  The last time he drew Deadpool was 10-issues of Deadpool Corps between 2010-2011.  The OGN is being written by co-writers Chris Sims and Chad Bowers.  He said that the title was a more recent decision, and he got it off of a Taylor Swift song.  It came to him after he saw Taylor Swift wearing Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool costume from the movie on social media.

"You got Taylor Swift wearing a Deadpool costume that was used in the movie by the guy who played Deadpool. I think it was the universe smiling on us."

Deadpool: Bad Blood will be released in stores May 17, 2017.

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