Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ryan Reynolds Channels His Inner Deadpool

Even I have to admit that this is pretty bad-ass!

Anyone that's been following me on YouTube for the past couple of years, whether it was on BYBI or the Comconocave, know that I'm not a fan of Ryan Reynolds.  I used to be.  To be honest, I thought he was hilarious in Two Guys, A Girl, And A Pizza Place, and nailed it when he starred in Van Wilder, but then came Wolverine: Origins...then Green Lantern...then R.I.P.D.  You can understand why I don't have a lot of faith in his movies that delve into the comic book genre.

I think that even Reynolds understands my frustrations.  I remember reading an interview he gave where he said that he wishes he would've read the Green Lantern script before agreeing to sign on.  I don't know if he was joking, but seeing how terrible a movie it turned out to be, I think he was being sincere.  So once again, I'm hopeful, but at the same time not holding my breath, for his upcoming Deadpool movie.  I think this time around, though, I may not have to worry.

After the flop that was Wolverine: Origins, and yes it was a flop (how do you take away the mouth from "The Merc With A Mouth?!?"), Reynolds has been pushing for a stand-alone Deadpool movie, if for no other reason than to give the fans a Deadpool that was true to his comic book character.  It would also help redeem himself in the eyes of these same fans.  Then came the teaser that leaked online.

This changed the whole situation.  After having the project sit in limbo for years, this teaser trailer resonated with fans all over the world, and this is what helped get the movie back up and running.  They've been filming for a while up in Vancouver, and all of the news that's been coming out of the set has been absolutely positive!  Well, not every bit of news...

Ryan Reynolds was hit by a car driven by a 52 year old photographer that he'd gotten into an argument with.  I'm guessing that the photographer was trying to get some unauthorized pictures of the filming that was taking place, and Reynolds confronted him.  The photographer was arrested by Vancouver police and they are considering bringing him up on charges of intimidation.  Reynolds sustained a sore knee and back from the incident, but true to form, was back on the set filming the very next day.  I guess you can't keep a good Deadpool down!

Deadpool is scheduled for release on February 12, 2016.

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