Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The New King Arthur Film "Man At Arms"

King Arthur and his Knight's of the Round Table are getting ready to take over the silver screen in a number of new releases that are either in production, or still in the concept stage of development.  The most popular one that is being talked about is a film being directed by Guy Richie called Knight's of the Round Table, and is rumored to be staring Charlie Hunnam as King Arthur, Astrid Berges-Frisbey as Guinevere, and Jude Law as the movie yet-to-be-named villain.
Another movie that has been talked about is a reboot of the classic movie Excalibur.  This one seems D.O.A., though.  Back in 2009, Bryan Singer had discussed making this movie for Warner Brothers, but has since been put on hold...indefinitely.  That doesn't mean that we won't see this movie get made, but it's not a priority for the WB movie production at this time.  Besides, Warner Brothers is also the production company releasing the Guy Richie flick, so why gamble on two Arthurian movies?
The last one that I want to talk about is called Man at Arms.  This one sounds the most promising.  It's an original take on the story of Sir Lancelot.  The movie follows Sir Lancelot after his affair with Guinevere brought down the kingdom of Kin Arthur, trying to seek redemption for his past sins.  It's a less "postmodern" look at the Arthurian legend than Guy Richie's film is expected to be, and early reports are comparing Man at Arms with Clint Eastwood's western classic Unforgiven
The last King Arthur movie to grace the big screen (that I can remember) was King Arthur, back in 2004, which took a more "historical" look at the legend.  It was a good movie, but not great as far as revenue is concerned.  The last movie to resonate with audiences was the 1981 original classic Excalibur, which is considered by most fans to be the quintessential telling of the tale.
What are your thoughts on these soon-to-be released movies?  Is this something that you're excited to see, or is this story all but played out?  Let my know your thoughts on the matter.  You can leave them in the comments section down below, or you can reach me at comconocave@gmail.com.

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