Sunday, March 1, 2015

Give Bill A Break!

Leonard Nimoy Funeral
I've been reading a lot of printed media and online stuff that is giving William Shatner a lot of grief for missing Leonard Nimoy's funeral.  Knock it off.

Example?  Check out the New York Daily News:

William Shatner had a previous engagement for a Red Cross charity event.  If he bailed on that, I'm sure he would've been made out to be an asshole for skipping out on the event. 

I don't understand  why people need to kick people when they are down.  William Shatner just lost one of his best friends, and since he couldn't make it back for the funeral, he's an asshole.  Let's look at the situation, shall we?

Next, everyone is saying he should've chartered a jet to get back to Florida for the funeral.  How much money does it cost to charter a private jet? I don't know.  I do know that right now William Shatner's main income is from commercials that deal with pricing hotels online.  His last main check was from Boston Legal.  I'm sure he's rolling in dough.

Lastly, his daughters went to the funeral as representatives of the family.  Do people honestly think that he's not kicking himself for missing his friend's funeral?  people need to get over blaming people for having commitments that they are obligated to do.  And yes, at the expense of what you'd rather be doing.

To those that think you can blink your eyes like I Dream Of Genie and everything works out fine, I hate to tell you that the real world doesn't work that way.  Lay off Bill, he's suffering enough.

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