Thursday, March 5, 2015

Is Damian Wayne Coming To Arrow As It's Next Villian?

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Just when you thought that Arrow could give us any more surprises!  Check out below what TVLine is reporting:

“The show’s Season 3 finale will introduce a major, formidable, fierce new foe for Oliver, and his reign of terror will continue well into Season 4. The mysterious character is being referred to internally as “Damian Dark,” which got Matt Mitovich and I (but mostly MM) pulling up and skimming the Wiki page of one Damian Wayne. Get it? Damian Wayne. Son of the Dark Knight. They’d probably have to tweak the Bruce Wayne connection, but it’s a plausible theory, no?”

Wow! Could this actually be happening?  I like the reference to Damian as "Damian Dark - Damian Wayne/Dark Knight."  Of course, this could just be something that they are doing on the set and in press releases to throw fans off of what they are really planning.  Earlier, it was reported that a tech-based superhero named "Dan" was going to appear, leading a lot of people to speculate that Ted Kord was going to be the ATOM, which now we all know is Ray Palmer, but I digress.

Let's look at the possibilities that could make this work in the story line.  First of all, The League Of Assassins have made their appearance onto the show. Even though Talia hasn't been mentioned, or even cast for that matter, that doesn't mean that she's not apart of this universe.  If this is the case, then why can't Damian be apart of it as well?  DC has been very generous to the show and it's creators in letting them use characters from their vault.  Also, with the Teen Titans joining the Arrow-verse, we know that Batman is a part of it...if the Teen Titans rumors are to be believed.

Next, what if they "tweeked" the comic book storyline a little so that it fit into the show a little bit better?  What if, and this is a HUGE "What If," but what if Damian turns out to be the son of...wait for it...Oliver?  We learned that he fathered a son in season two, one that he knows nothing about.  What if Ra's al Ghul learned of this son, kidnapped him, or bought off the mother or something, and then began training him as one of the league?  This would cause some really big ripples in the Arrow universe, and make for an incredible storyline, especially now that we know that Ra's wants Oliver to take over the league.  It's not too far out of the realm of possibilities, Oliver got the girl knocked up before the yacht trip from hell, he was away on the island (and other places) for five years, we really don't know how much time passed between seasons two and three, so Oliver's son could possibly be around that ten age.  Now, I know some of you are going, "But what about Oliver running into her on the Flash crossover episode?" Yeah, she was talking to him on the phone, and she did say she was getting him a hot chocolate, and was going to be home soon, but what if that meant that they were heading back to the League's lair?  Maybe they were in town to visit family or something?  Look, this theory is just a work in progress, and we'll just have to wait until they air the episodes!

Someone else has postulated that Damian is a clone...I don't like this theory.

One last theory that this could involve is the actual Damian Darhk.  Here's what had to say about him:

"Baby-faced Damien Darhk was a mysterious, elusive, and dangerous figure. He claimed to be a major player in America's underworld and certainly had some connection to the criminal organization H.I.V.E. He also seemed to have had access to unique high-tech equipment that has never been used by any known organization. Darhk was considered to be a major criminal by the C.I.A. and F.B.I.; however, their investigations revealed no hard evidence against him. He was a wi-fi fiend, staying in touch with associates by the very latest forms of mass communication. What particularly baffled investigators was his apparent youth; Damien seemed to be in his early twenties yet was already well-established and well-connected. While opposing one incarnation of the Teen Titans, Darhk was shot to death by Vandal Savage."

So what do you think?  Just wishful thinking, or could these things actually play out on the show?  Curious to hear what you all think about this.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, or you can reach me at and also on Twitter @comconoclast.

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