Friday, November 4, 2016

Too Dark For Disney?

Back in the late 70's (1979 to be exact) Disney released a movie called The Black Hole, which was a fun space adventure that was riddled with scientific inaccuracies.  Hey, it was the 70's!  We've learned a lot about space in the last forty years!  And yet, movie studios haven't learned that audiences want original movies and not remakes!  Sorry, I'm getting off topic.  So Disney is wanting to do a remake of The Black Hole,  which like I said was a fun space adventure, and they had the same team that had been working on Tron: Legacy putting together an updated version of the film, but we haven't heard anything about it since Disney first let us know that it was a project they were wanting to do.  So what happened?

According to screenwriter Jon Spaihts (Passengers, Doctor Strange) it might not have fit into the Disney brand on what we've come to expect from them.  Here, let him explain it.  This is what he told Slashfilm about the project while he was going around promoting Doctor Strange:

"Black Hole was an amazing experience. That was one of those movies I was stuck on until I cracked the beginning, and suddenly it just started to flow. I loved that script. It sits uneasily in Disney’s world as a dark epic, and Disney is in a very colorful place. They already have multiple big space epics going, so I don’t know how or whether it’ll find its way to light of day, but I sure wrote a heck of a movie and was thrilled to do it. It was very faithful to the original but clever in all the ways in that first film was silly, I hope."

He's right, by the way.  The original movie was quite silly when it came to explaining things, whether scientific or otherwise, but it was a fun movie for an eight year old.  This is also depressing is the way that we now know that there is a script out there for this movie...a really good script...and we may not get to see it because Disney wants a happy, bright family movie instead of a good movie.  I say let Spaihts vision be made.  Find a great director, make the movie, and then let the fans decide what they want to go see.  Disney may have been smart when they bought Marvel and Lucasfilm, but they aren't above making huge blunders (Yeah, I'm looking at you John Carter!

Have any of you out there seen this movie?  I mean, the original?  I used to have the action figures from this film, and I wish I still did because they are worth some money now!  Especially the robot V.I.N.C.E.N.T.  He was my favorite figure growing up.  Okay, so if you have seen the original, do you think that they should do a remake of this film?  Would you want to see a remake of this film, and if you do...what sort of tone do you think it should take?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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