Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Marvel/20th Century Fox Swap

I'm back!  Hope y'all didn't miss me too much!

So!  Ever since Marvel and Sony came to an agreement over the property rights concerning Spider-Man, there has been a lot of talk over whether or not Marvel and 20th Century Fox can come to an arrangement with regards to the MCU and the X-Men and Fantastic Four.  While there hasn't been any progress as far as this is concerned, the two have met, and there was some wheeling and dealing that dealt with Marvel's comic book properties.

When the Deadpool was in it's infancy, Fox had to go to Marvel and ask if they could change the powers of Negasonic Teenage Warhead.  They needed a powerful mutant, and the reason the went with her was because he name sounded soooo cool!  In order for them to get this approval, they had to relinquish the rights to Ego the Living Planet, so Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy vol, 2 could use him in their movie.  While Ego originally debuted in the Thor comic books, he was apparently included in the sell off of properties that Marvel made with Fox before the creation of their own movie studio.  So Marvel agreed to their request in return for the rights to Ego.  Who says that rival movie studios can't get along?

Speaking of Deadpool, there have been a lot of rumors going around about Tim Miller's quitting the sequel.  While many are a little nervous about this, it's really not that unusual when dealing with sequels.  Chris Columbus left the Harry Potter films, JJ Abrams left the Star Trek films, and even George Lucas left the Star Wars movies after directing the first one.  Ryan Reynolds recently sat down GQ and discussed the departure of Miller.  He began by saying:

"Making the movie was very, very difficult. It was the most passionate group of individuals I've ever worked with in my life. And for whatever reason, that mercurial crazy burgoo of people is what made this thing work so well, not just because I had this vision and I saw it this way and it had to be this way. It worked because we all had that feeling. But there were vaguely scary fights in the post-production process that escalated quickly. Luckily, everybody's grown up and at the end of the day enjoys and loves each other."

He went on to say:

"I know when I need to exert control, and I know when I need to let go of it. I'm not gonna go and sit with Tim Miller and say, 'The visual effects of Deadpool need to be done this way.' The man is a visual-effects wizard. But there are character and tone things that I know really well. And I've also been with this thing the longest out of anybody, aside from the guys that wrote the comics. Eleven years I've been trying to get this Sisyphus rock up the hill, and it kept rolling back on top of me. So I'm gonna be all the fuck over it from the moment it starts to the moment it finishes."

Don't hate the man for wanting to get everything perfect for these movies.  After the disaster that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I can understand why he wants to get everything right.  It took a lot of lobbying just to get the movie made!  20th Century Fox didn't think that fans would go see a Deadpool movie after the panning that Origins got, but luckily for us, they cave after the test footage was leaked and got rave reviews.

Deadpool 2, which is set to start filming earl next year, is scheduled to come out January 12, 2018.

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