Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Rogue One Will Feature Attacks On Two Fronts

For anyone that has seen the movie Star Wars: A New Hope, which I'm assuming is everyone, we know that the upcoming movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story deals with the Rebels stealing the plans to the Death Star.  The thing is, it sounds like the Death Star isn't the Rebel's only target.  The second, and possibly equally important site, is a key Imperial military bas on the planet Scarif.

In a recently aired trailer for the film, there's a scene that shows some X-Wings attacking a wheel-shaped space station in orbit above a blue colored planet, which you can see a quick shot of in the picture above.  EW is reporting that the space station is referred to as the Shield Gate, and is Scarif's primary protection.  While the Death Star may not have been built there, Scarif is responsible for all of the new technology the Empire uses in their weapon production.  Their complex spans the entire planet, and needs a force shield to protect their installations.  Co-producer John Swartz describes it in the following quote:

"You can see the blue sheen surrounding the entire planet. The shield gate is the security. As Imperial ships and cargo comes through, it punches a hole in the shield so they can pass. The gate officer gives clearances as they give out their call signs."

He went on to confirm the information that I described up above:

"It's part of their military industrial complex. It's not necessarily where the Death Star was constructed, but a lot of military research goes on there. That's why Krennic spends time there. It's the site of research, structural engineering, munitions and manufacturing, all rolled into one facility."

Krennic, whom Swartz refers to in the quote, is the one who runs the operation on the planet, and will be played by Ben Mendelsohn.  It's being assumed by many that the blue planet of Scarif is the place where we see the fight happening in a tropical setting on a beachfront.  We won't have to wait much longer to find out, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters December 16.

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