Sunday, September 11, 2016

Booster Gold Movie Won't Be A Part Of The DCEU

In a surprising move, the producer for the Booster Gold movie, Greg Berlanti, announced that his film won't be linked to the DCEU, in contrast to the upcoming Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, and Green Lantern Corps movies which will be part of the DCEU.  So why the change in structure for this film?  There are a few possibilities...

The first one seems to be the most just doesn't work with the universe that Warner Bros, and DC have created.  A time-traveling superhero just doesn't seem to work into their formula.  When DC Entertainment chief Diane Nelson was talking about it, she sounded like this might not be the only DC movie that they make that won't be part of the DCEU, and her explanation makes sense.  She said that, " focusing on keeping everything in a single continuity could end up handcuffing our creators into trying to work with the same storyline or force them to hold back characters or introduce certain characters. Ultimately it hinders the ability for someone like (showrunner) Bruno Heller to come in and create Gotham.”  Makes sense, right?  I don't think anyone could have explained it any better.

This next reason that I want to discuss is more of a "hopeful want" than something that will probably happen.  As I said earlier, Greg Berlanti is the movie's producer.  He is also the producer for all of the DC television shows that air on The CW.  One in particular, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, features Booster Gold's son from the future, Rip Hunter.  Wouldn't it be cool if there was some sort of tie-in with this movie and the rest of the characters from CW's "Arrow-verse?"  We could see the actor playing Booster Gold appear in some of the shows, and maybe...just maybe...see some of the actors from the television shows jump over to the big screen in a follow up to the Booster Gold movie!  I'm sure that this will never happen, but it doesn't hurt to hope for it, right?

What are your theories on why they decided to keep Booster Gold out of the DCEU?  Do you have any different ideas on why they are doing this?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.  There has been release date set for this movie, except for it coming out sometime in 2018, and no actors have been signed yet.  All we know about it so far is that Greg Berlanti is going to produce it, and Dan Jurgens and Zack Stentz are writing the film.  By the way, Stents is also a writer for The Flash television show...another connection to the "Arrow-verse!"

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