Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Batman V Superman Details Leak Online

I guess that it goes without saying that if you don’t want to know anything about the upcoming DC team up movie, then you should probably stop reading this…

…Still with me?  Okay, good!  So some details have emerged online about the upcoming trailer for the new Batman V Superman movie, and on top of these details, it also talks about some of the possible plot points.  Ready to get started?

According to Badass Digest, the movie takes place in Metropolis (duh.) with Superman protecting the city from its bad guys.  He’s living a double life as Superman and Clark Kent, the latter working for The Daily Planet and now living with Lois Lane.  Things start to go south for the Kryptonian after Lois, who is in the Middle East, gets into some trouble, and Superman flies over there to save her.  This sets off an international incident because the other countries around the world see Superman as a “tool of the United States.”  Countries like China even refuse to allow him to fly into their air space.  Many people, including many Americans, see Superman as a danger and a threat to humanity.  The fight that took place between Superman and Zod didn’t help him in this viewpoint, considering the entire city of Metropolis was nearly destroyed during their fight.

So where does Batman figure into all of this?  I mean, it is called Batman V Superman, right?

Over at Movie Pilot, they posted what is supposed to be the breakdown of the new, upcoming trailer for the movie.  It reads like this:

“The trailer opens to the Man of Steel ending during the chaos and destruction in Metropolis as Ben Affleck narrates something along the lines of, ‘…the world has changed with the arrival of the Kryptonians.’

Cut to Affleck in his Batsuit and he asks whether Superman is here to save us…  Or destroy us?  Before revealing…’I’m going to find out’

At which point…we cut to a shot of the Batman v Superman logo.”

I’m not really surprised at the direction that Zach Snyder is taking the movie.  He seemed to be going that route with Man of Steel, and I’m curious how the world reacts to the introduction of Aquaman and Wonder Woman.  They aren’t “aliens,” necessarily, but they aren’t human either.  Whatever happens, I think it’s pretty safe to say that all hell is going to break loose!

Batman V Superman is set to be released May 25, 2016.

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