Friday, November 28, 2014

New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Released Online!!!

Okay, I know that I said that I was going to be away for the next few days, but I had to break free from the family get together to discuss the newly released Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie trailer!  And it is amazing!!!

...Of course, I thought the same thing when they released the the first trailer for The Phantom Menace.  In my defense, though, it was the first new Star Wars movie that had been made since 1983, so it was kinda a big deal!  Having said that, I'm feeling pretty confident about this new movie, and here's why...

First off, they are going back to the original trilogy!  I'm not talking about the characters, like Luke, Leia, and Han, but we got to see an incredible shot of some X-Wings skimming across the water of a lake, or an ocean or sea, and it made me giddy!  Seeing these ICONIC spacecraft in action again made me get goosebumps!  Then...The Falcon shows up!  It does some twisted loop while engaging some Tie Fighters while tied to John Williams famous score!  Holy WOW!  These two little scenes help the viewer grow an attachment to the new movie before ever even watching it, because we know these ships!  We've invested ourselves into these spacecraft, either through watching them in the  movies, or buying them as toys when we were kids.  They're familiar and fun at the same time.

Next, we get to see the new characters of this trilogy.  I think it was a smart move to not bring back the original cast in the first trailer, everyone knows that they are going to be in it.  Show us who the new people are going to be.  I'm guessing some of what we saw might not be as it seems.  For instance, we see John Boyega dressed as a Stormtrooper in the trailer, but is he really going to be a bad guy?  Oscar Issac is an X-Wing pilot, but is he part of the Rebels, or is he a mercenary for hire?  I know he has a Rebel emblem on his helmet, but what does that really mean?  What if he's in disguise?

How cool was that new Sith Lightsaber???  I thought that they'd done some cool new things with lightsabers in the prequel movies, but a lightsaber that looks like a broad sword??? That was pretty freakin' sweet!  And who is the new Sith player? Is this the Inquisitor that everyone says is going to be the new baddie in the trilogy, or is this the Emperor reborn/arisen again to come back and cause trouble for the Rebels and the universe?

Still not sure what to think about the new robot that they had rolling around in the new trailer.  After the Ewoks, and Jar Jar Binks, I'm not holding my breath on this new character...

These are a few of the things that caught my eye in the little over one-and-a-half-minutes of new footage.  What did y'all think?  What are you excited about the most after seeing this?  Let me know! IF you have any questions, you can always reach me at!

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