Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Rogue One/Rebels Easter Eggs

If you haven't seen the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story yet, there are a few things that you should keep an eye out for when you finally do.  Rogue One has tied the animated television show Rebels to it's storyline, and even expands on it.  Here are a few things to watch for when you go see it...

The first one I've already talked about, but at the time it was just speculation.  I used the image up above for that post, and after watching the movie last Thursday, it turned out to be true.  The spaceship from Rebels does make an appearance in the movie while the Rebels are battling the Empire while Rogue One is planet-side trying to steal the plans for the Empire's Death Star. It doesn't last very long, but it is a nice nod to the show.  But who's flying the Ghost?

That could possibly be one General Hera.  Yes, I said "General."  During the film, there's a call out over the intercom for a General Syndulla.  Many were under the impression that this was referring to Hera's father Cham, who is a known Rebel general, but when talking to Dave Filoni (executive producer for Rebels), he acknowledges that it is in fact Hera.  Here's what he had to say:

"I can clarify that’s absolutely Hera being paged, not her dad. The movie gives that away, but I would rather have all the [references] be right. Hera will eventually become a general in the Rebel Alliance."

So I guess that there's going to be a promotion for her at some point during the series.  It would be fun to see how that happens.  Filoni also said that there may be an episode of Rebels that features the movie's space battle over Scarif, but shown from the Ghost's point of view.  Something else to look forward to...

The last thing that you should look for in the movie that ties it to Rebels is the big screen debut of Chopper.  It's a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, but when Mon Mothma is being told of about Rogue One heading out on their own to steal the plans, you can see Chopper on the left side of the screen. Filoni confirmed this as well:

"Everybody working on set knew Chopper, and referred to him the way you would about a dog. They all liked him, they think he’s funny, but they know he’s grumpy."

So when you go and see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, be sure to enjoy it, but also keep an eye out for these and other Easter Eggs hidden throughout the film.

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