Monday, July 11, 2016

Alien 5 Will Really Be Aliens 2

This franchise is getting a little confusing when it comes to story telling...

When Alien was released in1979, it brought science fiction horror to an all new level, and it started Sigourney Weaver on the path to being the queen of sci-fi.  Aliens picked up some years later and built off of the original, and it was like the original on steroids.  Most fans of the series say that the James Cameron directed film was the best one out of them all.  Trying to capitalize on the franchise's popularity, they gave us Alien 3, which tried to copy the original movie's formula...but didn't do a very good job at it.  Alien: Resurrection was disappointing on so many levels, I won't even discuss them.  Then it was announced that Ridley Scott was going to make a movie called Prometheus, which many believed would be a prequel to the original, but the director said before it's release that it would not be one.  Now it seems that it was, and a sequel to that one is now in the works called Alien: Covenant.

Here's where it gets confusing.  There is another Alien movie in the works right now, that Weaver is a part of, and is the brain child of Neil Blomkamp.  His movie, though, will take place after the storyline of Aliens, and it will completely wipe out Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection from it's history.  When asked about how this will play out, Weaver explained it like this:

“It’s just as if, you know, the path forks and one direction goes off to three and four and another direction goes off to Neill’s movie.”

The movie is currently sitting on the studios shelf.  It has to wait in line behind Scott's Alien: Covenant and possibly more Alien prequels.  So you know, there are at least two more that are being planned.

From what I've read, and there isn't much to go off of, the Blomkamp Alien 5 will feature Weaver's Ripley, but also Corporal Hicks and Newt, two characters that were said to have died at the beginning of Alien 3.  So when they said it was going to split from the other movies, they really weren't kidding.

James Cameron is going to be heading down to San Diego Comic Con to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of his Aliens film.  He said that he doesn't normally celebrate things like this, but that Aliens holds a special place in his heart. 

 “I don’t normally pursue these kind of nostalgia moments like we’re going to do down at Comic-Con, and I didn’t do it much at all for Terminator on its 30th, but there’s something about Aliens. It was a milestone for myself and Gale because the film got seven Academy Award nominations.”

So what do you think about this bit of news?  Would you be interested in seeing this, even though it's screwing with the franchise's history?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.