Monday, March 20, 2017

The X-Men Cinematic Universe Is Getting Bigger...

20th Century Fox is realy starting to ramp up their X-Men Cinematic Universe.  Logan is cleaning up at the box office right now (in fact, it just became the highest grossing Wolverine movie from the trilogy this past weekend), a stand-alone Gambit movie is in the works, as well as a New Mutants movie, an X-Force movie, a new X-Men movie was recently announced, and of course, Deadpool 2.  The latter has been stirring up all sorts of talk online about who will be cast in the role of Cable.  With production set to start next month, we'll probably find out here shortly who will be taking on that part.  One of the reasons it's been taking them so long to find someone is because they want to get it right.  Not just for the Deadpool 2 movie, but for the X-Force movie, as well.

It's starting to sound like Cable and the Merc with a Mouth will also be featured in the X-Force movie that they are working on.  Why do I think this?  Because one of the producers over at 20th Century Fox said so.  Kinberg was talking about all of the future X-Men projects to Deadline, and after listing off all of the movies that I discussed up above, went on to say this:

 “Then X Force which is a combination of Deadpool, and Cable –they’re like the Black ops of the X-Men. They’re much darker and have an R-rated decibel. There are other X-Men characters coming into X-Force at different times in the comic, but it’s separate from X-Men.”

If they're going to be featuring Cable in multiple X-Men properties, I can see why they are taking their time in choosing an actor.  They'll want to get it right.  Not only do they need someone that can go toe-to-toe with Deadpool, but also someone who can lead the X-Force team.  That's a tall order when filling a role.

Like I said, we should be finding out who the actor will be in the coming weeks, and as soon as I find out, I'll let you all know.  I'll be back tomorrow!

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