Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Remember When Hollywood Came Up With Original Ideas For Movies?

Back in 1990, an original movie was released that gave us five incredible actors and one great story.  The movie was Flatliners, and it starred Kiefer Sutherland, Julie Roberts, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin, and Oliver Platt.  They were all med students that created an experiment that would kill each of them, allow them to "cross over to the other side," and then resurrected so they could tell the others of their experience.  Okay, that is a very simplified summary of the movie, but that's the basic plot.  Now, in keeping with the current state of Hollywood and their lack of originality and creativeness, a remake of this classic film will be released later this year.  Check out the trailer for the remake:

It's hard to really tell if they've done a good job with this one or not, but considering their track record with remakes, I'm not holding my breath.  I'm just hoping that it's better than the Total Recall remake.  Why they would want to risk ruining a classic is beyond me, but then again, Hollywood doesn't concern themselves with protecting the classics, they just worry about how they can make more money off of tem.  If that means making a crappy remake?  They'll take that chance.  This is one of the main reasons that the box office numbers keep dropping year after year.  They need original stories, not remakes and reboots.  But what do I know?  I'm just a blogger.

Flatliners will be released on September 29, 2017.

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