Thursday, July 20, 2017

Will Nomad Replace Captain America In Avengers: Infinity War?

The last time we saw Steve Rogers at the end of Captain America: Civil War, he had just beaten Tony Stark, who (in a fit of anger) yelled at Rogers that he didn't deserve to carry the vibranium shield that his father had made for him.  So Steve drops the shield and walks away.  When he broke out all of his friends from The Raft at the very end, he wasn't wearing his red, white, and blue uniform.  It looks like Steve Rogers has become disillusioned by the leaders of the country that he has sworn to protect after disagreeing with them over the Sokovia Accords.  Next time we see Steve Rogers, which will be in Avengers: Infinity War, it looks like he won't be appearing as Captain America.

So where are they going with this?  Well, if it follows any of the history from the comic books, he may be returning as a character known as Nomad.  The MCU draws inspiration from the comic book history of the characters that they use, but they don't quite follow it to the letter, changing things up so it fits the "real world" of the MCU better.  That's what it looks like they are doing right now with the Steve Rogers character.  Let me explain...

Back in 1974, Steve Rogers dropped the mantle of Captain America after discovering that on of the leaders of the country (it was hinted at being the President) was leading the Secret Empire terrorist group.  Still out to do the right thing, he donned the costume of Nomad, which lasted only four years.  See the similarities here between the comic book and the MCU?  Both Caps had issues with the government and walked away from the Captain America identity.  While Rogers probably won't be wearing the costume of Nomad from the comic books in the movie (thank Gawd!) pictures of Chris Evans in the Infinity War footage show him sporting a beard (Think Snowpiercer) and wearing civilian clothes.

While it's still to soon to guess what has happened to Steve Rogers since he quit being Captain America, we might be able to get a better idea after the teaser trailer (which the Russo's are saying will be released "soon") is released to the masses.  Once it does, though, I think we'll have a better idea on what direction Marvel will be taking with Steve Rogers...maybe.

Avengers: Infinity War will be released in theaters May 4, 2018.

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