Tuesday, July 11, 2017

This Will Be The Last Spider-Man: Homecoming Post...I Promise!!!

So Zendaya's character in Spider-Man: Homecoming is...wait, before I go any further let me just say ***MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!***  I don't want to give anything away without giving you a head's up! Oh, and by the way...it pulled in around $265 million worldwide, and $117 million domestically on it's opening weekend.

"Michelle's" debut into the MCU was a muted one, to say the least.  She was in the movie, but she seemed to just be there.  She didn't care about anyone or anything, and would have been forgettable if it wasn't for her last line in the movie..."My friends call me MJ."  Marvel had done there best to convince us that Zendaya was NOT Mary Jane Watson, and they weren't lying...but she is MJ.  Spider-Man: Homecoming dug deep into the history of Spider-Man for this movie, and his first love interest is Liz Allen.  Many comic book readers may not realize this, but she was the original crush that Peter Parker had all the way back to Amazing Fantasy #15.  She wasn't given a name for nearly a year, but she made a number of appearances over that time.  To be honest, it was a nice switch between his usual crushes of MJ and Gwen. 

The second surprise of the movie (at least for me) was Jennifer Connelly "showing up" in this movie.  Okay, she wasn't actually "in the movie," but she did the voice of Peter Parker's Spider-Man suit, who he called "Karen."  I was afraid that I wouldn't see her in another MCU movie after The Incredible Hulk movie (which starred Ed Norton) and pretty much kicked off the whole MCU.  It wasn't made by Marvel, though, so Iron Man is usually referred to as the MCU's starting point.  Just an FYI.  So glad they brought her back!  She awesome!

Next, I was really surprised at how little the movie used Donald Glover.  He's an A-lister and he only showed up sparingly throughout the film.  He did confirm Kevin Feige's comments about Miles Morales   At one point during the movie, Glover's character (he plays Aaron Davis) says that he hopes Spider-Man gets the weapons off of the street, because he has a nephew he's worried about.  That nephew?  Miles Morales!  It should also be mentioned that Aaron Davis is also The Prowler, so we may get more Glover in future Spider-Man movies.  It was kind of alluded to when he was out looking to buy from Toomes' men and they told him that they had "grappling gear," which really peaked his interest.  He says his name is "Alex" in the movie, but his screen credit shows him as Aaron Davis, so it was an obvious attempt to conceal his identity.

There are a crap-ton of Easter Eggs in this movie, and there's no way for me to go over all of them without this becoming a short novel, so go and see the movie for yourself.  Just for the record?  The very last line of the movie had me laughing out loud...not something that happens very often.  I know I mentioned this already. but it was worth saying again!

1 comment:

  1. Good info. I liked to died when Peter showed up to pick Liz up for the dance and Michael Keaton opened the door.
