Thursday, June 23, 2016

Will We Learn The Origin Of The Force In Episode VIII?

It's another day, so there has to be a new Star Wars: Episode VIII rumor that we can talk about, right?  This one comes from "Stormtrooper Larry" (via ComicbookMovies) who says that he has an inside source on the production crew of the new movie and says some interesting things about one of the scenes that will be in the film, but before we go any further, let me point out the obvious here...there were a lot of rumors that were being talked about before The Force Awakens came out, and quite a few of them turn out to be wrong, so what you read from this point on, just take it with a grain of salt.  In case these rumors do turn out to be true, though, be warned...***POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD!!!***

One of the things that Episode VIII is going to do that hasn't been done before with the Star Wars movies is that it is going to pick up immediately after the end of The Force Awakens.  Usually a few years or so has passed in between the movies, so this is an interesting move forward.  It will pick up right when Rey finds Luke on the Ahch-To, the watery planet that we're shown at the end of TFA.  At some point after their first encounter, Rey, Luke, and the Force ghost of Yoda are discussing the Force.  Luke takes Rey back into the past and shows her a family exploring an uncharted world.  There is a mother, a father, and two children, one boy and one girl.  The two children discover a tree, and the young boy notices that his senses are heightened whenever he's around it.  His sister notices that the tree makes him very angry and agitated.  After years of spending time around the tree, the two siblings have an argument and the young boy kills the girl.  He touches the tree and becomes "transformed," and leaves the planet.

We later learn that the young girl hadn't been killed, but survived the attack.  She also becomes "transformed" by the tree and begins the first Jedi Order.  She gathers followers and explains to them that the Force can be used for good or evil.  She also tells them that one day she will come back in another form, and whether she returns as a boy or a girl, it's paramount that the current Jedi find her new form and train it in the ways of the Force.  Luke explains to Rey that the Jedi have been searching for "The One" ever since.  At one point, they believed Anakin to be "The One," but they were deceived by him, and after becoming Darth Vader, spread chaos across the galaxy.

In the same scene, Rey sees her parents, and we learn that Luke is not Rey's father.  When she was very young, it was discovered that she was very strong with the Force, and was sent off to begin her training, but for whatever reason, she never made it to her destination.  From what "Stormtropper Larry" has been told, it sounds like Luke and Yoda believe that Rey is the reincarnation of the founder of the Jedi Order, and she has until sunset to "accept her destiny and stop something (which is redacted in the original report) from happening.

I have to say that I like this better than the other rumor that said that she was the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker, but I still don't think that they need to explain the Force.  It's more fun not knowing about it, but just knowing that it's there.  But thank goodness that it has nothing to do with the Midi-chlorians!  Thanks for that idiotic idea, George!

So what do you think?  Does this sound like a good idea for part of the movie, or are we better off not knowing about the origins of the Force?  Do you like the addition of the "Force Tree(s)?"  If there's one, there may be others, right?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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