Friday, June 24, 2016

Even More Indiana Jones Movies Being Planned?!?

A few days ago I talked about how Steven Spielberg promised that Indiana Jones would not die at the end of the next film, which was announced earlier this year by the folks over at Disney.  Does this leave the door open for more Indiana Jones adventures?  Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, sat down with THR for an interview, and he had some interesting things to say.  Here's part of the interview:

You have another Lucasfilm property, Indiana Jones, and Steven Spielberg has agreed to make a fifth film. Will there be an Indiana Jones universe, eventually, like Star Wars?
Not like Star Wars, no. But we hope … right now, we’re focused on a reboot, or a continuum and then a reboot of some sort.

Reboot? You’ve got Harrison Ford for this movie, and then the presumption is there will be a younger …
Well, we’ll bring him back, then we have to figure out what comes next. That’s what I mean. It’s not really a reboot, it’s a boot — a reboot. I don’t know.

THR has been using the term “requel” for these sequels that reboot the franchise.
Requel. (Laughs.) We [got] Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the film. But then what’s the direction? I’ve had discussions about what the direction is, [but] I don’t want to get into it.

But you do see making more films?
Yes, I do. I don’t think it reaches the scale of the universe of Star Wars, but I see making more. It won’t be just a one-off.

So what does this mean?  There can be a lot of ways to interpret these answers, but knowing that Spielberg said that there will only ever be one person to play Indiana Jones, and knowing that when this next film gets released that Harrison Ford will be 77, how many more of these films will they be able to make?  I don't want to see an Indy film where he has to use a walker! The only course of action that I can see is if they use Ford either in a sequence that has him remembering an old adventure, and then they introduce a new actor to play the younger Indy, or in this next film they introduce a new companion that will take over the franchise after Jones retires from archeology. Considering how Ford broke his leg during the filming of The Force Awakens, and that he nearly died in an airplane crash where he was the pilot, how can we expect them to give us multiple movies going forward which will feature Ford?

So tell me, am I wrong in thinking this way, or do you believe that Harrison Ford still has a few Indiana jones movies left in him?  Let me know your opinion in the comments section down below.

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