Thursday, June 30, 2016
Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 Deals With Cap And HYDRA
In case you haven't picked up Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 yet, just so you know there are a few ***SPOILERS!!!*** ahead, just so you're warned!
So last month in the first issue, we learned that Captain America was a sleeper agent for the organization called HYDRA. In case you've been living under a rock for the last 75 years, HYDRA is a terrorist organization that is ruled by the Red Skull, who, up until last month, was Captain America's number one enemy. Now it seems that Rogers' memories of being indoctrinated into Hydra were really implants put there by Kobik, a sentient cosmic cube that became a girl. It also seems that Kobik has been under the influence of the Red Skull now for months. So Red Skull is finally close to breaking Captain America by giving him false memories, or so it would seem. recently had an exclusive interview with Marvel's Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso and asked him about this new turn in the Steve Rogers storyline. Check it out below: You hear your fair share of pitches over the course of a month, what was it about Nick's that made you excited about it? What was your initial reaction?
Axel Alonso: I reacted with the same kind of skepticism I do in most things. My reaction was somewhat similar to how I reacted to the Superior Spider-Man because it's a very ambitious plan and it encapsulated characters in a sinister light. I think what became clear was that there was a real fantastic story to be told through Captain America, a hero who is dressed in red, white and blue, that would build to all sorts of questions and conversations while leading to something very big in the Marvel universe. So yes. It took a little while but I got onboard.
CB: Naturally, the story caught fire and was covered by everyone under the sun? Was it the reaction you were expecting?
AA: We're trained to anticipate a strong reaction to change or a big plot twist like this, whether it's a female Thor or the new Ms. Marvel or the Korean-American Hulk. We didn't expect the reaction to be anywhere this big. It was comparable to the way that people reacted to the death of Captain America. I think a lot of the people reacting most violently aren't people that go to the comic book stores every Wednesday and are trained to understand the way the comics work and the rhythms and how we could do this kind of thing with our heroes.
Obviously, when people read issue 2, it's going to provoke a whole new discussion amongst fans as the truth is revealed.
CB: You mention traditional comics rhythm, and usually for this kind of story fans would have to wait much longer for the big reveal. Here, you’re revealing it right in issue 2. Was that key to the story that you guys and Nick wanted to tell?
AA: It was a consideration but it wasn't the only thing. I think that they key thing was that in order to tell the story that Nick wants to tell, we needed readers to know that which our heroes don't know. Captain America, one of the most trusted superheroes in the Marvel universe, is not exactly who you think he is. He is operating with a different and sinister intent now and every interaction that we see from here on in will be shaded by that. That's a story that Nick wanted to tell, and that's a story that's going to be fascinating for the next two months and a story that's going to build to big, big things within the Marvel universe as well.
CB: We also get the reveal that the Red Skull is back. Are there plans in the story to tell readers where he’s been since we last saw him?
AA: All I'll say is all will be revealed. We want this read to be immersive and for readers' questions to be explained in due time. Obviously, there's a lot for people to process. Issue two is going to blow people's minds. It’s a dense read. It's challenging. What it reveals takes some processing. This isn't the time or the place for us to be explaining what the Red Skull's been up to. You're going to be rewarded as we peel back the layers of this.
CB: What kind of things can you do from a storytelling standpoint with the notion that a reader knows something the characters don’t?
AA: This book features a character dressed in red, white and blue. That type of character is going to deal with themes and problems that are different from, say, the Incredible Hulk or even Spider-Man. Our writer, Nick Spencer, was selected as the writer of this book for a lot of reasons, one of which is the fact that he is very well read on history and on politics, and he's not afraid to tackle some of these issues in the course of our book.
I think first and foremost that that's part of the experience of reading Captain America from here on in is that this is a book that's really, really fertile ground for exploring the story of a deep-cover operative. What's more deep cover than the most trusted superhero in the universe operating with an ulterior motive? A sinister agenda? You don't have to search far and wide to start seeing the topical things we're dealing with right now in this post-9/11 world.
CB: The book already has a great supporting cast, but will we feel this in other corners of the Marvel Universe?
AA: Yes. In big, big ways.
CB: The cover to issue #3 seems to show some strife between Zemo and Skull, will Skull have to fend off bad guys and good guys?
AA: Well, they certainly do look to be having some strife from that cover. All I can say is there's a reason that it's the next cover. This is an all-in storyline featuring some of the coolest characters from Cap’s history and we're taking it seriously. Like I said, the development and event of this book are not going to be contained within the covers of just Captain America: Steve Rogers. It's impossible.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Mark Hamill Did Not Give Anything Away With His Recent Interview...
I've received a couple of emails from people asking if I had read the interview that Mark Hamill had given to The Big Issue in London the other day. During the interview, Hamill says (quite off the cuff), "I finish Episode VIII, and then I'm out of work." People are now wondering if this means that he let it slip that Luke Skywalker is going to die in Episode VIII, and that his future with the franchise is coming to an end.
First, let me answer the question as to if I had read the article about his interview...yes. However, a few of you all might not know that there was a response that Mark Hamill has posted to his Twitter account where he says, "I meant 'out of work' because #Ep8 is wrapping soon, OK? #DontOverThinkEVERYTHING #ParsingHamill #WaitForVIII." This puts everything to bed now, right?
Not necessarily. Who knows? They may decide to kill of Luke in the movie, we won't know until it comes out, but even if Luke does end up dying, don't you think that they would bring Mark Hamill back to be filmed as a Force Ghost for Episode IX? I find it hard to believe that this is going to be the last we see of Luke Skywalker, especially since he still has so much to reveal about what he's learned about the Force and the history of the Jedi Knights, not to mention the Sith and the Knights of Ren. Who better to explain to the audience about any of these things?
So let me apologize for today's posting, since it seems to kind of be a "non-story" story, but I didn't want people's imaginations running away with only half of what's been said on this matter. If you all have anything to add on this, feel free to contact me at me email address ( or you can leave your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Are Marvel And 20th Century Fox Really Talking About This?
No one can deny that the deal that Marvel and Sony put together has been a huge success. Spider-Man was the most anticipated hero to appear in Captain America: Civil War, and it seems to have breathed new life into the character's popularity with the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming coming out next year. One of the main reasons that people are excited for this movie is because it's embracing it's role in the MCU, and bringing over Tony Stark to help launch the new franchise for the wall crawler. So does this mean that we could possibly see other movie studios jump onto the MCU band wagon and bring their comic book characters over to the MCU? If this new rumor that's being reported turns out to be true, then it's quite possible.
On a recent episode of Collider Heroes, Matt Key, who is the podcast producer for Kevin Smith's Fatman on Batman, said that he's heard a few things from people:
"I've heard from a few of my sources, my little birds, that Fox and Marvel have kind of talked. But not really. But there's interest from Fox. We're years from that ever possibly happening, but I think that's what it would take, is Fox joining hands with Marvel."
This isn't the first time that we've heard this rumor, but the fact that it's coming from Key gives this one a little bit more weight. Smith and his team always seem to have their fingers on the pulse of things, especially when it relates to anything that has to do with comic book, comic book movies, and comic book televisions shows. If what Key has heard turns out to be true, what does this mean for upcoming Marvel movies?
The first thing I should point out is that while X-Men: Apocalypse wasn't a box-office dud, it didn't connect with fans of the series or with critics of the film. The latter I wouldn't normally mention, but since the fans didn't care for the movie either, it should be mentioned. Sony had the same problem with Spider-Man before joining hand with Marvel. they just weren't able to connect with the fans. It could have been the writing, or it could have been it's star, it's just that people didn't like The Amazing Spider-Man films. X-Men also just rounded out their third trilogy of films, and Wolverine's actor, Hugh Jackman, is getting ready to leave this role. Does this mean that Fox is getting nervous as to where to take their mutants in future films?
Probably not. Deadpool has breathed new life into the studio, and with a sequel in the works already, as well as an X-Force and New Mutants movie being worked on as well, chances are that they aren't too worried about their mutant properties. So then why all of this talk with Marvel? It's more than likely that Fox is wanting to bring their Fantastic Four characters over to the MCU. While Sony had two go-arounds with Spider-Man, the first one being a huge success, the second one not-so-much, both of Fox's attempts at bring Marvel's First Family to the screen has bombed both times. Chris Evans, who played Johnny Storm in the first two FF films, is now Captain America, so I wouldn't expect to see him signing on for another movie, and Michael B. Jordan, who played Johnny storm in the reboot has signed on with Marvel to join the cast of the upcoming Black Panther movie, so I don't expect to see him agreeing to a sequel, either. This is more than likely the property that Fox and Marvel are discussing teaming up for. Not only would it bring over the FF themselves, but all of the villains that belong to their franchise, as well. This would mean that maybe, just maybe, we'll get a Doctor Doom that is an actual badass and not just cinematic fluff.
What do you think about this new round of rumors? Is it possible that they really are talking, and (more importantly) would you want to see some sort of team-up happen between the two movie studios? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Where Does The Marvel And Sony Agreement Stop?
When Captain America: Civil War came out earlier this year, one of the biggest draws for the film was the first appearance of Spider-Man in an MCU movie. He stole the show in every scene that he was in, and now excitement is growing for his first solo film that will also connect to the MCU. The partnership between Marvel and Sony seems to be working out very well, but to what extent does Marvel have a say in what happens with Sony's Spider-Man movies? In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sony's movie chief Tom Rothman answered a few questions that seemed to tell us how this arrangement is going to work. When asked if there were plans on expanding the Spider-Man universe after they release Spider-Man: Homecoming and if Marvel would have a hand in helping to expand it, he answered, "Yes to both of those questions." He went on to say:
"It's been fantastic, our relationship with Marvel. Sony has the ultimate authority, but we have deferred the creative lead to Marvel, because they know what they are doing...Knowing that Marvel has such a clear, creative vision, I sleep very well at night."
Now even though Marvel and Sony are partners in all of the live-action movies that will deal with Spider-man and the other characters that will be appearing in them, there is one Spider-Man property that Marvel doesn't have a say in making, and that's the animated feature that Sony is wanting to release in 2018. Rothman said this about the upcoming animated film:
"We have dated Christmas 2018 for what I believe is truly going to be a breakthrough animated sensation. (Phil) Lord and (Christopher) Miller, who did the LEGO movies, are doing an animated Spider-Man. And it has a very breakthrough look to it, and a fantastic story, and it's independent from our Marvel Spider-Man."
I guess that this is the best way to handle the properties so things don't get muddled between storylines. That, and if Sony wanted to try and introduce people to one of the other Spider-Man's, this would be the best way to do it, without messing anything up in the MCU.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is set for release July 3, 2017.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Check Out "The Hive" By Wolfgang Buttress
This thing is really an amazing piece of art and science!
Last year at the 2015 Milan Expo, a 17 meter tall structure was introduced and was the centerpiece of the UK pavilion. The structure was named "The Hive," and was the creation of Wolfgang Buttress. The piece was extremely popular with the attendees and went on to win the Gold Medal for the Expo. Now, the 17,000 pieces of aluminum which make up the piece have been reassembled in London's Kew Gardens - the first time that a UK pavilion has ever been rebuilt in the UK.
"The Hive" was designed as a multi-sensory experience for people. It's fitted with thousands of LED lights and microphones which are activated and controlled by the vibrations of bees which are housed in a beehive inside the Kew Gardens. The microphones set off a meditative comprised of bee noises, cello and voices, and the busier the bees are, the more intense the sounds become.
Buttress said about his sculpture:
"The purpose of 'The Hive' is to tell the story of the role of bees in pollinating crop plants and therefore feeding the planet. I thought that was perfect for Kew because we want to bring alive why plants matter, and clearly one of the most important things that plants do, is feed humanity. It just seemed such a perfect fit with the whole history of Kew. To me it really feels like it's kind of come home, it feels like it's always been here."
The above video gives a brief description of the piece by the artist himself. The piece is set to open at the Kew Gardens in 2017.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Some Things To Be Omitted In Ready Player One Movie
When it was announced that the book Ready Player One was going to be made into a movie, fans of the novel were ecstatic. They were even more so when it was learned that Steven Spielberg was signed on to direct the film. What better director to helm the film than the person who's work had been featured so prominently in the novel? Unfortunately, it seems that he his planning to leave out a lot of the references to his own work when he starts to film.
When Spielberg talked to Collider about his decision to sign on for the film, he had this to tell them:
"I think we were pretty awesome in the 80s. I hope the movie returns all of us to the awesomeness of the 80s. I love the 80s. I think one of the reasons I decided to make the movie was that it brought me back to the 80s and lets me do anything I want, except for with my own movies. I’ve cut most of my movies out of [the] book. Except for the DeLorean and a couple of other things that I had something to do with, I cut a lot of my own references out of the 80s. I was very happy to see there was enough without me that made the 80s a great time to grow up."
He went on to explain that the reason he decided to do this was because he didn't want the movie to feel like a homage to himself and his work. I can't say that I blame him, it would be easy for bloggers and people who comment on articles and posts to tear him down by saying that he made this movie just to glamorize his own work. I think that this is a smart move. He did say that there would be some things from movies that he had a hand in making that will be left in. He used the DeLorean as an example. While he wasn't the director on the Back To The Future films (Robert Zemeckis directed those films), he was one of the executive producers for the films. I'm just glad that he didn't have anything to do with Wargames from1983 (directed by John Badham) or 1975's Monty Python and the Holy Grail (directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones).
So are you familiar with the book, and if so, are you looking forward to seeing the movie? Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments section down below.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Even More Indiana Jones Movies Being Planned?!?
A few days ago I talked about how Steven Spielberg promised that Indiana Jones would not die at the end of the next film, which was announced earlier this year by the folks over at Disney. Does this leave the door open for more Indiana Jones adventures? Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, sat down with THR for an interview, and he had some interesting things to say. Here's part of the interview:
You have another Lucasfilm property, Indiana Jones, and Steven Spielberg has agreed to make a fifth film. Will there be an Indiana Jones universe, eventually, like Star Wars?
Not like Star Wars, no. But we hope … right now, we’re focused on a reboot, or a continuum and then a reboot of some sort.
Reboot? You’ve got Harrison Ford for this movie, and then the presumption is there will be a younger …
Well, we’ll bring him back, then we have to figure out what comes next. That’s what I mean. It’s not really a reboot, it’s a boot — a reboot. I don’t know.
THR has been using the term “requel” for these sequels that reboot the franchise.
Requel. (Laughs.) We [got] Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the film. But then what’s the direction? I’ve had discussions about what the direction is, [but] I don’t want to get into it.
But you do see making more films?
Yes, I do. I don’t think it reaches the scale of the universe of Star Wars, but I see making more. It won’t be just a one-off.
So what does this mean? There can be a lot of ways to interpret these answers, but knowing that Spielberg said that there will only ever be one person to play Indiana Jones, and knowing that when this next film gets released that Harrison Ford will be 77, how many more of these films will they be able to make? I don't want to see an Indy film where he has to use a walker! The only course of action that I can see is if they use Ford either in a sequence that has him remembering an old adventure, and then they introduce a new actor to play the younger Indy, or in this next film they introduce a new companion that will take over the franchise after Jones retires from archeology. Considering how Ford broke his leg during the filming of The Force Awakens, and that he nearly died in an airplane crash where he was the pilot, how can we expect them to give us multiple movies going forward which will feature Ford?
So tell me, am I wrong in thinking this way, or do you believe that Harrison Ford still has a few Indiana jones movies left in him? Let me know your opinion in the comments section down below.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Will We Learn The Origin Of The Force In Episode VIII?
It's another day, so there has to be a new Star Wars: Episode VIII rumor that we can talk about, right? This one comes from "Stormtrooper Larry" (via ComicbookMovies) who says that he has an inside source on the production crew of the new movie and says some interesting things about one of the scenes that will be in the film, but before we go any further, let me point out the obvious here...there were a lot of rumors that were being talked about before The Force Awakens came out, and quite a few of them turn out to be wrong, so what you read from this point on, just take it with a grain of salt. In case these rumors do turn out to be true, though, be warned...***POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD!!!***
One of the things that Episode VIII is going to do that hasn't been done before with the Star Wars movies is that it is going to pick up immediately after the end of The Force Awakens. Usually a few years or so has passed in between the movies, so this is an interesting move forward. It will pick up right when Rey finds Luke on the Ahch-To, the watery planet that we're shown at the end of TFA. At some point after their first encounter, Rey, Luke, and the Force ghost of Yoda are discussing the Force. Luke takes Rey back into the past and shows her a family exploring an uncharted world. There is a mother, a father, and two children, one boy and one girl. The two children discover a tree, and the young boy notices that his senses are heightened whenever he's around it. His sister notices that the tree makes him very angry and agitated. After years of spending time around the tree, the two siblings have an argument and the young boy kills the girl. He touches the tree and becomes "transformed," and leaves the planet.
We later learn that the young girl hadn't been killed, but survived the attack. She also becomes "transformed" by the tree and begins the first Jedi Order. She gathers followers and explains to them that the Force can be used for good or evil. She also tells them that one day she will come back in another form, and whether she returns as a boy or a girl, it's paramount that the current Jedi find her new form and train it in the ways of the Force. Luke explains to Rey that the Jedi have been searching for "The One" ever since. At one point, they believed Anakin to be "The One," but they were deceived by him, and after becoming Darth Vader, spread chaos across the galaxy.
In the same scene, Rey sees her parents, and we learn that Luke is not Rey's father. When she was very young, it was discovered that she was very strong with the Force, and was sent off to begin her training, but for whatever reason, she never made it to her destination. From what "Stormtropper Larry" has been told, it sounds like Luke and Yoda believe that Rey is the reincarnation of the founder of the Jedi Order, and she has until sunset to "accept her destiny and stop something (which is redacted in the original report) from happening.
I have to say that I like this better than the other rumor that said that she was the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker, but I still don't think that they need to explain the Force. It's more fun not knowing about it, but just knowing that it's there. But thank goodness that it has nothing to do with the Midi-chlorians! Thanks for that idiotic idea, George!
So what do you think? Does this sound like a good idea for part of the movie, or are we better off not knowing about the origins of the Force? Do you like the addition of the "Force Tree(s)?" If there's one, there may be others, right? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Snyder Invites Press To Justice League Set
In an unusual move, director Zach Snyder invited a number of journalists from different outlets to join him on the set of the upcoming Justice League film. It's only 32 days into filming out of the 111 that are scheduled, but it looks like both he and Warner Bros. are wanting to let the fans know that they heard their complaints after Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was released, and that they are trying to make amends with them giving everyone a look at where they are going with this movie. What's stranger still is that they're allowing these journalists to print what they saw just days after being invited to the set. The press hasn't even been able to do this with the Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman films yet, so this was a pretty big move on the director and production company's part. So what did we learn? First off, here's the official synopsis of the film:
"Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
Directed by Zack Snyder, this marks the big screen debut of the Justice League, featuring an all-star lineup: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher."
That doesn't give too much away, so from now on, know that there are going to be ***MAJOR SPOILERS!!!*** for the movie in the following paragraphs. Read at your own risk!
The first spoiler that they gave us was that the big baddie in the film is indeed going to be Steppenwolf, and it will deal with the Mother Boxes. To learn more about both of these, you can find a post that I did earlier this year describing who and what both of these are. There was a scene that was filmed for BvS which showed both of them, but it was ultimately removed from the final cut. I do think that it is going to be included on the Ultimate Edition Blu-ray that will be coming out next month, so make sure that you keep an eye out for it when it does.
The second, and to be honest the least surprising reveal that they gave us, is that yes, Superman is going to be in the Justice League movie. No kidding, right? At the end of BvS we see the rocks and dirt hovering over his grave. Plus, how can you have a Justice League without Superman? It will be interesting to see how they bring him back, though.
Next, they are letting us know that Zeus and the "Old Gods" history is going to be explored in this film, as well as giving us our first look at Atlantis. This should be a visually exciting film considering all of the different places which they are wanting to explore.
We now know (officially) that the Justice League begins when Batman and Wonder Woman agree to team up and get the help from other metahumans. The first one that they recruit is going to be The Flash, followed by Cyborg. Aquaman joins later, although it sounds like he does reluctantly. The new group will have a state-of-the-art team vehicle, called the Flying Fox. It is housed in the Batjet Hanger, which is, in essence, a "second Batcave."
There are going to be a number of costume changes to the characters, as well as a bunch of new "Bat Toys" that will be introduced, but the one thing that I thought was most interesting is that they are going to introduce S.T.A.R. Labs in this film. They might have something to do with Superman's resurrection, but that's purely speculative on my part.
So what do you think? Are you feeling a little better about this film, or are you afraid that it'll repeat the same mistakes as BvS? let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Justice League is set to hit theaters November 17, 2017.
"Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
Directed by Zack Snyder, this marks the big screen debut of the Justice League, featuring an all-star lineup: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher."
That doesn't give too much away, so from now on, know that there are going to be ***MAJOR SPOILERS!!!*** for the movie in the following paragraphs. Read at your own risk!
The first spoiler that they gave us was that the big baddie in the film is indeed going to be Steppenwolf, and it will deal with the Mother Boxes. To learn more about both of these, you can find a post that I did earlier this year describing who and what both of these are. There was a scene that was filmed for BvS which showed both of them, but it was ultimately removed from the final cut. I do think that it is going to be included on the Ultimate Edition Blu-ray that will be coming out next month, so make sure that you keep an eye out for it when it does.
The second, and to be honest the least surprising reveal that they gave us, is that yes, Superman is going to be in the Justice League movie. No kidding, right? At the end of BvS we see the rocks and dirt hovering over his grave. Plus, how can you have a Justice League without Superman? It will be interesting to see how they bring him back, though.
Next, they are letting us know that Zeus and the "Old Gods" history is going to be explored in this film, as well as giving us our first look at Atlantis. This should be a visually exciting film considering all of the different places which they are wanting to explore.
We now know (officially) that the Justice League begins when Batman and Wonder Woman agree to team up and get the help from other metahumans. The first one that they recruit is going to be The Flash, followed by Cyborg. Aquaman joins later, although it sounds like he does reluctantly. The new group will have a state-of-the-art team vehicle, called the Flying Fox. It is housed in the Batjet Hanger, which is, in essence, a "second Batcave."
There are going to be a number of costume changes to the characters, as well as a bunch of new "Bat Toys" that will be introduced, but the one thing that I thought was most interesting is that they are going to introduce S.T.A.R. Labs in this film. They might have something to do with Superman's resurrection, but that's purely speculative on my part.
So what do you think? Are you feeling a little better about this film, or are you afraid that it'll repeat the same mistakes as BvS? let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Justice League is set to hit theaters November 17, 2017.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
This Major Character Is Coming Back To Marvel Comics
Marvel is looking to capitalize on the popularity of it's Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 by bringing back one of his most exciting arch enemies...The Red Skull. It's making me wonder, though, with the reveal of Captain America being a Hydra agent, were they ever truly enemies?
A lot of questions have been raised since we found out Cap's part of Hydra, primarily how long has he been a Hydra agent? It's being hinted that he's been a part of the organization since he was a young boy. When we get a look at Red Skull in a preview of Captain America: Steve Rogers #2, it looks to be in the form of a flash back, but I won't be surprised if we see him having a greater impact on the story in the present.
We haven't seen much of Red Skull since his Secret Wars miniseries. Before everything that took place in that storyline, we saw his clone dig up Charles Xavier's corpse, remove his brain, and use it's remaining powers to "cull the mutant population." After Magneto kills him, Xavier's brain unleashes Onslaught, who had been sitting dormant in his mind. It then combined with Red Skull to create Red Onslaught, which was then defeated by the X-Men and the Avengers. However, thanks to AXIS, it turned into White Onslaught, who fights Magneto again, and, like the first time, Magneto puts him down. Since then, Red Skull has only popped up once or twice.
How Red Skull is going to fit into the current captain America storyline is anyone's guess, but considering that this seems to be an Earth-shattering event, don't be surprised if he has a pretty big role in what's to come. Can you imagine seeing Captain America and Red Skull fighting along side one another? That's just all sorts of wrong.
Let me know your thoughts on this new storyline and where you think it's heading in the comments section down below.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Steven Spielberg Says He Won't (SPOILER!) Indiana Jones
There are three things that have been confirmed regarding the fifth installment to the Indiana Jones movie. The first, it's release date. The second, John Williams will be coming back to score the film. The third bit of news that was recently confirmed? Indiana Jones will not die in this movie. This isn't just speculation, this was confirmed by the man himself, Steven Spielberg.
A lot of people (including myself) have speculated that since this is (presumably) going to be the last Indiana Jones movie that will star Harrison Ford in the lead role (he'll be 77 years old when the movie comes out), many believed that they would kill the character off to give the franchise an ending. The main reason for this was the fact that Ford's character in the Star Wars films, Han Solo, had been killed off in this past year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Ford himself had lobbied to have the character killed off, dating back to Return of the Jedi, but the difference here is that Han Solo was just one player in a group of people that the Star Wars story revolved around, where as Indiana Jones is the title character of the franchise. The director wants fans to know that even if this is the last movie to star Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, his adventures will continue to go on.
When Disney announced that they were going to make a fifth Indiana Jones movie, and that Spielberg was going to direct it, a lot of people began talking about whether or not Ford would return as Dr. Jones, or if they would recast the character with a new actor. People even began to petition for Chris Pratt to take over the role (which was kind of insulting to Ford, if you ask me. My opinion, not his), but just as fast as these rumors began to surface, Spielberg came out and said that there would only be one actor to play Indiana Jones, and that actor was Harrison Ford. While discussing the movie, Spielberg said that he's "super excited" about it, and followed up with, "I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans." It was then when he said, "The one thing I will tell you is I'm not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it." And just as quickly as he shot down the rumors of a new actor taking over the role, he shoots down the rumor that Indiana Jones is going to die.
What are you wanting to see in the next Indiana Jones movie? I think that if they aren't going to kill off Indiana Jones, maybe they could bring Mutt back so they can kill him off? Just my opinion. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Indiana Jones 5 will hit theaters July 19, 2019.
A lot of people (including myself) have speculated that since this is (presumably) going to be the last Indiana Jones movie that will star Harrison Ford in the lead role (he'll be 77 years old when the movie comes out), many believed that they would kill the character off to give the franchise an ending. The main reason for this was the fact that Ford's character in the Star Wars films, Han Solo, had been killed off in this past year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Ford himself had lobbied to have the character killed off, dating back to Return of the Jedi, but the difference here is that Han Solo was just one player in a group of people that the Star Wars story revolved around, where as Indiana Jones is the title character of the franchise. The director wants fans to know that even if this is the last movie to star Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, his adventures will continue to go on.
When Disney announced that they were going to make a fifth Indiana Jones movie, and that Spielberg was going to direct it, a lot of people began talking about whether or not Ford would return as Dr. Jones, or if they would recast the character with a new actor. People even began to petition for Chris Pratt to take over the role (which was kind of insulting to Ford, if you ask me. My opinion, not his), but just as fast as these rumors began to surface, Spielberg came out and said that there would only be one actor to play Indiana Jones, and that actor was Harrison Ford. While discussing the movie, Spielberg said that he's "super excited" about it, and followed up with, "I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans." It was then when he said, "The one thing I will tell you is I'm not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it." And just as quickly as he shot down the rumors of a new actor taking over the role, he shoots down the rumor that Indiana Jones is going to die.
What are you wanting to see in the next Indiana Jones movie? I think that if they aren't going to kill off Indiana Jones, maybe they could bring Mutt back so they can kill him off? Just my opinion. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Indiana Jones 5 will hit theaters July 19, 2019.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
The Conjuring Is Giving Us Our Second Spinoff
The Conjuring was an unusual film. Not in the sense that what we saw was unusual, but it was one of those rare horror films where fans and critics both loved the film. Being made on a $6.5 million budget, it pulled in over $257 million worldwide. It also gave us a spinoff movie (which was not directed by James Wan, by the way) called Annabelle. It doesn't really bother me whether or not you enjoyed the spinoff, because no matter how bad you thought it was, creepy little possessed dolls can scare the crap out of you.
Now James Wan is back, and he's given us The Conjuring 2, which is currently playing in theaters. I haven't had an opportunity to see this movie yet, but it is definitely on my "to-do" list. From what I've seen in the trailers, though, it looks to be even better than the first one (no easy achievement). Made on a little bit big budget, but still a modest one at $40 million, it's already pulled in close to $100 million in it's first week of release. With returns like that on a film, it's safe to say that Warner Bros. will keep this movie franchise going for as long as it can. Don't believe me? Warner Bros. has said that Annabelle 2 will be coming out next year, they're already planning The Conjuring 3, and now it's been announced that they are going to make another spinoff, this time from the sequel, called The Nun.
According to THR, Warner Bros. is going to make a movie based on the demonic nun that is featured in The Conjuring 2. While Annabelle dealt with the backstory of haunted doll (by the way, there is a great article over at that talks about the real doll that it was based on. You can read the story by going to this link: there doesn't seem to be much more of a backstory for the nun that they say hadn't already been revealed by the end of the movie, so it will probably feature other haunting that the nun was involved with. The movie is going to be written by David Leslie Johnson, who also wrote the Aquaman script that Wan is directing, While Wan won't be directing the spinoff, he will be one of the executive producers for the film, along with Peter Safran, who also produces The Conjuring movies. Here's a little bit of interesting news about the nun from the sequel, the demonic look that they gave her wasn't finalized until they started doing reshoots that took place only three months before the movies release!
While the Wan-directed films in the franchise seem to be pure gold, the spinoff Annabelle didn't seem to connect with movie goers. Was it because Wan didn't direct it? Who knows, but if that's the case, then my guess is that we shouldn't expect too much from this next spinoff. What are your thoughts on the franchise? Let my know what you think in the comment section below.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Supergirl Has Found Her Superman
Welcome to the 500th post on this blog! Okay, now that I've got that out of the way, let's get on with it...
Now that Supergirl is over at the CW, they've been making some changes to the show that should help grow it's audience. One of the most notable changes is that they've decided to actually have Superman show up on the program, and not just as a blur or a shot of his back, but as an actual character interacting with Kara. The question that they needed to ask themselves after deciding this was "Who's going to play him?" It now seems that we've got our answer. The show recently announced that they have hire Tyler Hoechlin to play the Man of Steel. If you don't know who Hoechlin is, he's been a star on the television show Teen Wolf and has also appeared in the movies Everybody Wants Some!, Hall Pass, and Solstice. He also appeared opposite Tom Hanks in the comic book inspired movie Road to Perdition.
Andrew Kreisberg, who is the executive producer for pretty much every DC television show out there, had this to say about the new hire:
"Greg Berlanti and I have wanted to work with Tyler for ages, so this worked out perfectly because Tyler is Superman. We are so thrilled and humbled to add another amazing actor to the legacy of this iconic character. For us, Superman is more of an idea than it is a personification of the character, so we're more than happy to have him backlit. we're perfectly happy to have him swoop in, save Kara in Episode Three, because the real heart of the story is that she then kicks Reactron's butt. She's the one that takes him down, and that's what much more important for us. So it's not like we've been asking for more Superman or can we do it like this or can we have him in this. For us, we're perfectly happy with the amount of Superman that we've had because it's the exact amount that we've asked for."
You'll be able to see Hoechlin as Superman in the season premier of Supergirl when it airs for the first time on The CW. Supergirl will air on Monday nights at 8 pm.
Playstation VR headset Has An Official Release Date
Check it out...a $399.99 version of Google Cardboard! Relax, I'm just kidding! Well, not about the price. The Playstation VR headset really is going to cost $399.99, and it's official release date is going to be October 13th. If you want to pre-order it, can't. At least not right now. Pre-orders for the device sold out earlier this year, but Sony does plan to open up pre-orders again later this summer. There will be a number of "high-end" titles that will be available upon it's release, but they will be "minor playable experiences" as opposed to full fledged games. Some of the titles that will be available are Batman: Arkham VR and the IP Farpoint game that will use the VR capabilities to give gamers a more substantial experience. Farpoint in particular will be one of the Playstation VR's newest peripherals called Playstation Aim. The Playstation Aim is a gun-like device that you can use with Playstation VR games that rely on "projectile weaponry. Unfortunately, there is no release date for the Playstation Aim, so if you're wanting to play any of these games, you'll have to use the Playstation Move as a substitute until then.
It sounds like the Playstation Move is going to have to be used when operating the Playstation VR. Like the Oculus Rift and the HTC View wireless controllers, the Playstation Move is required to "make use of the 3D spatial recognition, affording players the ability to direct their actions in a 3D space thanks to the built-in sensors within the HMD.
Now when I said that the Playstation VR is going to cost $399.99, just know that's just for the "basic" package. If you don't have the Playstation Move or the Playstation Camera wands, then you can buy a package that includes the Playstation VR, Camera, 2 Playstation Move controllers, the USB and power cables, a Playstation VR demo disc, and a Playstation VR Worlds game. That package runs $499.99.
Playstation is planning on launching around 50 games within the first quarter of it's launch, with games that include Star Wars: Battlefront and RIGS, but exactly how many games will be available on it's launch remains to be seen.
(Information for this post was gathered from William Usher who works over at
Friday, June 17, 2016
Jeremy Renner To Produce Medevil Series For History Channel

With the success the History Channel has had with it's Vikings television series, they've decided to try their hand at a medieval series. It recently announced that it will be making a 10-episode series called Knightfall, which will follow the Templar Knights in their quest to find the Holy Grail. It will be a historically accurate telling of their quest to find the golden chalice, meaning that it won't be knights in shining armor and all of the romanticism that is usually given to these stories, but rather it will be a much bloodier and truer telling of these stories. Don Handfield and Richard Rayner are the two people who created the series for the History Channel, and the show's executive producers will be Dominic Minghella (who is the program's showrunner) and Jeremy Renner. With Renner's involvement with Kightfall, it's quite possible that we may even see him make an appearance at some point in the story.
Some of the characters that the show will be focusing on are Sir Landry (played by Tom Cullen), a knight that lost his faith in God after the failed Crusade and losing the Grail. However, new rumors of the Grail's existence help bring him back to the cause. Parsifal (played by Bobby Schofield) joins the Templar Knights seeking revenge (for what, we'll have to find out once it airs) but finds himself being called up for a higher purpose. Gawain (played by Padraic Delaney) is a once-feared swordsman with an uncertain future, but stands with the Templar Knights. Tancrede (played by Simon Merrels) is a battle scarred sergeant that is fanatical on reclaiming the Holy Grail.
The show will also focus on the politics of the age and show us King Phillip and Queen Joan of Navarre forging an alliance with France through a wedding involving daughter Isabella. The inclusion of France's role in the Templar Knight's story is interesting, and makes me wonder if the series will end when with King Phillip IV ordering the death of the Templar Knights, an order which was sanctioned by the Pope of that time period, and also gave us the superstition regarding Friday the 13th. We'll just have to wait and find out.
Knightfall will premier late 2016.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
The Great Autobot Massacre Of '86
A few days ago I talked about how Transformers: The Movie was going to get it's first North American release onto Blu-ray, and I talked a little bit about the movie and how some of the Autobots were killed off. Afterwards, I received a few emails telling me that some of you didn't know that they ever killed off any of the characters. This is why you need to go out and see this movie! It was actually the first time that the creators of the toy and the television program did kill off some of their characters, and the reason behind it is staggering.
In the movie, they killed off the following Autobots: Prowl, Brawn, Ironhide, Ratchet, Windcharger, and Wheeljack. The Decepticons didn't get off that easily, though. They lost Megatron and two of his minions, who later were "magically changed" into Galvatron, Scourge and Cyclonus. Starscream bit the dust, as well, being pulverized by laser blasts until he was nothing more than a pile of ash. But the most shocking death that happened was when Optimus Prime gets killed. Kids all over the country were shocked, and it was said that they were leaving the theater in tears. One kid reportedly locked himself in his room for two weeks. And do you want to know why all of these kids were made to suffer? So Hasbro could release a new line of Transformer toys. I'm not kidding, that's why they did it.
On the 20th anniversary DVD that was put out, there is a brief documentary on the disc that has story consultant Flint Dille talking about the reactions to the characters deaths after the movie was released.
"We didn't know that he was an icon. It was a toy show. We just thought that we were killing off the old product line to replace it with new products."
Wow. That's pretty dim. Not all of the people that were working on the film thought it was a good idea to kill off Optimus. The one voice of reason was screenwriter Ron Friedman, who made Optimus Prime as the "heroic father figure in the Autobot family," and continually voiced his opposition to his death to Hasbro.
I recognized that I needed to assign family identities to the characters in order to create the recognition factor that young people need. They cannot verbalise this; it's beneath the surface. To remove Optimus Prime, to physically remove Daddy from the family, that wasn't going to work. I told Hasbro and their lieutenants they would have to bring him back but they said no and had 'great things planned.' In other words they were going to create new more expensive toys."
In the end, Hasbro relented to the backlash to Optimus' death and brought the character back in 1987 through the television series, but it seemed that the damage had been done, and they lost a lot of viewers. Luckily for the toy company, the CGI filled movie reboot has re-energized the toy line and they are now as popular as ever.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Is This Our First Look At X23 From Wolverine 3?
There are rumors a plenty when it comes to the movie Wolverine 3, but one of the most consistent rumors swirling around is that the X-Men X-23 will make her cinematic debut in the film. Lending some credit to these rumors is a casting call that went out that The Hashtag Show recently published. It's for a young girl named "Zoe," which we're guessing is not going to be the actual name of the character. Check it out:
"12 to 15 year-old girl. Still a child, but a wounded badass, a pound puppy, raised in captivity in a time of battle, without support systems of normal childhood. She has no family and until now, has never left the compound in which she was born. She has an authentic intensity – her expressions & body language speak volumes, without words. Once released in the outside world, everything is new – every experience and every image a first. This does not mean everything is wonderful or wondrous. Some things she sees (things we might regard as conventional) may scare her or anger her and things we may find interesting may bore her. She has not been instructed in many social conventions – she can eat like an animal. She studies and often mimics people’s behavior. She has a high IQ, but is also a temperamental, impulsive and feral creature that can raise genuine mayhem. She is a girl that has never been kissed. Looking for a REAL girl – not made up or done up. Also with genuine edge, not made up or put on. Martial arts or gymnastics experience preferred but not necessary – but actress must be extremely physical and able to improvise scenes without necessarily resorting to speech. Do NOT play it “cute”."
To further back up these rumors, some set photos have surfaced online, and they show a young girl who could possibly fit the age range that the studio was looking for with "Zoe". Now, just because there is a young girl that's been photographed on the set doesn't mean that she actually is X23, but it does seem to fit what we've been hearing. Here's one of the photos for you to check out:
So what do you think? Too young, or just about the right age? Whatever the answer, we won't have to wait too much longer to find out. The third Wolverine movie is set to hit theaters March 3, 2017.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Mallrats 2 Is Happening, But Not The Way We Were Expecting...

Kevin Smith seems to have fallen in love with directing television shows. After trying his hand at it for one of the episodes of The Flash, he said that it was probably the best job he's done at directing. He then announced that he was going to help make a Buckaroo Banzai television series, all of this while teasing the long awaited sequel to Mallrats. The other day he posted the above picture to his Twitter account with the caption, "EXCLUSIVE @ThatKevinSmith confirms #MallRats2 is heading into a 10-epsiode series! Filming dates TBD."
Wha...? A television series? Well that's different. While it's not that unusual for a movie to be turned into a television series, it is a little weird that a sequel to a movie will be made into a television series. I guess he really enjoyed his time working on The Flash and hopes to continue it with other projects for the small screen.
The only other time I can think of this happening was when it was announced that a sequel to Army of Darkness was getting made, and then we found out that it was going to be a series on the Starz network called Ash vs The Evil Dead. Sam Raimi said that he liked this format because it allowed him to explore the characters more thoroughly than he could with just one feature film. Maybe this is what Kevin Smith is hoping for as well.
No word yet on when it will air, or on what network, but as soon as I find out, I'll let you all know. So what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Could We Get Hulk vs Bruce Banner In Thor: Ragnarok?
We've seen a growth in Marc Ruffalo's Hulk as he pertains to the MCU over a number of films now. In the movie The Incredible Hulk (where it was actually Ed Norton that played The Hulk) we saw Bruce Banner running from his alter-ego, not wanting to let the monster out. In The Avengers he seems to have more or less come to grips with what he is, while not truly embracing it. Then, in Avengers: Age of Ultron he no longer tries to fight what he is, but rather grabs hold of it and uses his power to help his team fight evil. So when Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters next year, what can we expect to see from Bruce Banner and the Hulk?
Ruffalo has been making his rounds promoting his upcoming film Now You See Me 2 and during one of the interviews where he and Woody Harrelson had been giving, he had this to say about Bruce Banner and the Hulk:
"I think the arc that he is ultimately making in his relationship with The Hulk and how that's gonna resolve itself, that's really where ... nobody has gone to that place. I mean, he's always been running from him or trying to deny it, but they're coming for a collision course with each other, and I think that can be pretty exciting if we can figure out a way to do it multi-dimensionally."
After saying that, he turns to Harrelson and says enthusiastically, "Hulk versus Banner! Yeah, baby!" and then they high fived one another. He finished up the question with one of the truest things to be said about his character:
"The only person in the world that The Hulk is scared of, or thing, is Banner."
The comic books have seen all sorts of incarnations of the Hulk. He's been green, he's been grey, he's been a mindless monster, he's held onto Banner's intelligence while Hulking out. He's also been separated from Banner in the comics, as well. So could we be seeing the MCU version of the Hulk moving in this direction? While it's still too early to tell, it does sound like the powers that be may be moving the Hulk in this direction. If they do introduce a storyline where this happens, who do you think would win? Hulk or Banner? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters November 3, 2017.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
King Tut Owned A Space Dagger!
The world's most famous Egyptian King owned some pretty cool things, but the most impressive thing in his possession was a dagger that was made from a meteorite that fell to the Earth. Not only is it incredibly beautiful, but the craftsmanship that went into making it shows us the importance that early Egyptians placed on the iron from these meteorites that they forged into weapons long before the Iron Age began. Around this same time, a hieroglyph began to appear on tablets which translated into "Iron from the sky." Here's what the researchers, led by Daniela Comelli, wrote in their studies on the dagger:
“The introduction of the new composite term suggests that the ancient Egyptians… were aware that these rare chunks of iron fell from the sky already in the 13th century BCE, anticipating Western culture by more than two millennia.”
After using a technique called fluorescence spectroscopy to analyze the blade, which allows them to determine the elemental composition of the dagger without damaging it, they determined that it was made from an iron meteorite. Going back through their historical records of meteorites that had fallen within a 2000 km range of city, they narrowed it down to one meteorite out of a possible 20 that they were aware of. Through it's chemical composition, they determined that it belonged to the "Kharga meteorite" which was discovered in 2000on a "limestone plateau in Mersa Matruh, a seaport west of the city of Alexandria."
You can see the dagger in the picture below:
Saturday, June 11, 2016
New Vixen To Appear In Legends Of Tomorrow Season 2
When fans of the CW were first introduced to Vixen, it was through a series of animated shorts that ran on The CW Seed. We were shown that she is a powerful woman named Mari McCabe who can conjure up the strengths and abilities of different animals through a magic totem that she inherited. After the mini series concluded, we were given a live action version of the character when she appeared on an episode of Arrow. She was played by Megalyn Echikunwoke (seen above) who is a wonderfully talented actress. When news broke that Vixen was going to be joining DC's Legends of Tomorrow, fans were pretty excited to see Mari in action again...except they aren't going to be seeing her at all.
Unfortunately for us (but great for Megalyn) she is currently filming a movie called Step Sisters, and has a few possible movies lined up immediately after this one, so her schedule is pretty full and she won't be appearing in the television show next season. Instead, we are going to be introduced to a Vixen from the past who apparently will join the team as they cruise through time. But all is not lost for fans of Echikunwoke. Besides seeing her in her upcoming films, she'll be lending her voice for the second season of the Vixen animated shorts that will appear on The CW Seed, and while they'll be introducing us to a new Vixen, this doesn't rule out the possibility that she'll appear on Arrow again at some point in the future.
Like I said earlier, Vixen receives her powers through her totem. It was created by the African spirit Anasi. The wearer of the totem can call on the powers of the animal kingdom in order to watch over and protect the innocent. The first person to wear the totem was Tantu, who became an African legend. Ever since then, the totem has been handed down from generation to generation, where it finally ended up in Mari's possession.
Legends has some spots to fill on the team after the season one finale. Kendra and Carter (Hawkgirl and Hawkman) both left after Vandal Savage was defeated, and Snart sacrificed himself to save the team, so at least three spots are open if we're keeping the status quo the same...well, okay, there are two spots left to fill. During the last few minutes of the season finale, we were introduced to Rex Tyler (a.k.a. Hourman) who is a member of the Justice Society of America, and may be joining the team for season 2. Vixen will fill that second slot, so we still have one more vacancy to fill. That is to say, if they are trying to keep the numbers on the team the same, they may add even more characters to it.
No word yet on the name of the actress who will play the next Vixen, or which Vixen will be appearing, but fans of the character should be excited to see Vixen in action once again. DC's Legends of Tomorrow will be airing on The CW Thursday nights at 8 PM.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Kara Zor-El's Cousin To Appear In Supergirl Season 2
A lot of Supergirl fans were worried earlier this year when CBS announced that they were not planning on renewing her show for a second season. Later, they all breathed a sigh of relief when it was learned that her show was going to continue over on the CW. This was a smart move, and to be honest, it should have been there from the get go. Even though Melissa Benoist has said that the show shouldn't feel that much different from when it was over at CBS, there will be some changes involved with it's move. The first change is to it's budget. The CW doesn't have the financial backing that CBS has, so some of the special effects will probably be toned down. The second change is to it's filming location. It will be leaving California and moving to Vancouver to help reduce it's cost. There, it will join the other DC television shows that the CW currently airs. It should make it easier for their four-show crossover event that they are promoting, too. The third change is a pretty big one...
Andrew Kresiberg recently announced that Kara Zor-El's famous cousin will be making his debut on the show during season two. Here's what he had to say:
“Greg, Ali and I are beyond thrilled to welcome Clark Kent and his slightly-more-famous alter ego to the world of ‘Supergirl’. Superman will be appearing in the first two episodes of the new season and we cannot wait to see who next dons the red cape!”
Does this come as a surprise? I don't know. Throughout season one, Kara spent pretty much all of her time trying to get out of the shadow of Superman and prove that she was a superhero in her own right. There's no animosity between them, but to bring Superman in now would seem to damage her ego just a little bit, especially after she saved the planet in the season finale. On the other hand, bringing in Superman now will definitely attract new viewers to the show and help boost it's ratings.
It should be mentioned that even though this will be his "debut" on the show, he has actually shown up a few times, although all we see is either a blurry face, a shot of him flying some place at a distance, or one of his back. We've never seen his face, though. Whoever they get to play the Man of Steel, don't expect it to be a clone of Henry Cavill's DCEU Superman. Cavill's Superman is kind of dark and brooding, where as the CW's Superman will be a happier and more optimistic superhero. Because of this, the series' Clark Kent and the movie's Clark Kent should have completely different personalities, and not interfere with one another in the long run.
Supergirl season 2 will air on Monday nights at 8pm starting this fall on The CW. The Flash will air at the same time on Tuesdays. Arrow at 8pm on Wednesdays, and Legends of Tomorrow at 8pm on Thursdays.
Transformers: The Movie To Release 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray
When I was a teenager, I remember going to the movies and watching a whole different kind of Transformers movie. It wasn't live-action, but animated, and it was the first time that we really got to see the Transformers traveling into outer space. The movie was pretty intense from the get go, killing off multiple Autobots in the film's opening battle. I think that was the first time that I saw the creators kill any of them off, long before Michael Bay came along and revitalize the franchise. Now, thirty years later, we'll get a chance to see this movie again in an all new way.
The movie was released on DVD for it's 20th anniversary, and now, having been digitally remastered to HD from it's original 35mm format, it will be available on Blu-ray for the first time in the North America. With it's new look comes a bunch of special features, bonus content, and collectable packaging for the Blu-ray. The movie featured the voices of Judd Nelson, Leonard Nimoy, Peter Cullen, Eric Idle, Robert Stack, Frank Welker, and Orson Wells. This was Orson Wells final role before he passed away. The movie follows the Autobots as they try and reclaim their planet from the Decepticons, but what they don't know is that there is a larger, more menacing force heading their way in the form of Unicron. Made on a budget of $6 million, the movie only pulled in $5.6 million. Since it's release, though, it has become somewhat of a "cult classic," which is why Hasbro and Shout! Factory have decided to release it on Blu-ray for it's 30th anniversary.
So tell me...have any of you ever watched this movie before? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments section down below. Transformers: The Movie will be released September 13, 2016 on DVD and Blu-ray.
Civil War II Shakes Things Up Right Away
What's the most common way for comic book stories to hit readers right away with strong storyline? They kill someone off. In this case, they kill two major characters. If you don't want to know who, then stop reading now, but if you do decide to keep going, just so you know, there will be ***MAJOR SPOILERS!!!*** in the following post!
Last year's Secret Wars storyline started every comic book over with a new #1, and made a lot of new changes to characters aimed at diversifying the Marvel Universe. Jane Foster became the new Thor, X-23 took over the mantle of Wolverine after Logan died, and Black Bolt went "rogue", leaving Medusa to lead the Inhumans, which now include Beast and Human Torch. Speaking of Inhumans, after Secret Wars a Terrigen Mist was released over the Earth causing more Inhumans to pop up all over the place. Marvel is focusing on Inhumans over mutants, since 20th Century Fox owns the rights to the term "mutants." Inhumans are essentially the same thing, but the rights to that term is owned by Marvel. But I digress...
Civil War II introduces us to a new Inhuman named Ulysses, someone that has the ability to foresee the future. Think of him as one of the precogs from Minority Report, he can see things before they happen so others can stop or change it from happening. This brings about the rift between the heroes...should they act on the information that Ulysses gives them, or should they let things happen as they should? When our heroes stop discussing the ramifications to this question and decide to act on it, all hell breaks loose.
There are two factions that come from their acting on these predictions, The first group is led by Carol Danvers (a.k.a. Captain Marvel) who says she understands the dangers of using this sort of information and the consequence that could come from it, but decides to act on it anyway. The second group is led by Tony Stark (a.k.a. Iron Man) who sees using the information given to them by Ulysses as nothing but dangerous, and acting on it "tantamount to playing God." That was a quote from Robin Parrish, who works over at Screenrant. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
So after the opening battle in issue one, everyone is celebrating at Stark's skyscraper and that's when Medusa tells Tony how they knew that the attack was coming. Tony believes that these are just "possible" scenarios that could happen, and not carved in stone. A division takes place between the superheroes, and they start to discuss the ramifications of their acting on these visions of the future.
Sure enough, next time they go out after receiving one of Ulysses visions, War Machine gets killed and She-Hulk gets taken out. At the end of the issue, She-Hulk flat-lines and Tony blames Carol for War Machine's death by following through with acting on Ulysses vision.
So now you see where they are going to be going with Civil War II. Does this sound like an exciting storyline, or at least one that you are going to want to read? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Wolverine 3 Title Revealed?
I've been trying to keep everyone in the loop when it comes to information regarding the upcoming movie Wolverine 3. The rumors surrounding the film have been that it will be some sort of take on Marvel's Old Man Logan storyline from their comic books. Hugh Jackman himself has alluded to the fact that the movie was going to be loosely based on that story. Now, according to GameZone, their sources are telling them that the title for the film seems to have it going in a different direction. They even admit something along the lines of, "I know what your thinking when you hear the words 'reliable sources', but these are actually reliable sources," so for them to actually say this, it tells me that they are pretty confident that this is the real deal. Want to know what the title is going to be? If you do, keep reading, if you don't want to know, turn back now.
The title (again, according to GameZone) for the upcoming movie is going to be Weapon X. This is a completely different story than the Old Man Logan story that they were hinting at using. Old Man Logan takes place in a dystopian world after the fall of the heroes, while Weapon X focused on Logan being the tenth test subject at having his bones coated with adamantium in order to create the perfect weapon. I know, that's just the short version. The storyline ran in "Marvel Comics Presents Weapon X" and to be honest, there really wasn't very much dialogue. It seems unlikely that this is what the movie is going to be about. It does seem to be taking place in the future, though. A few set pictures have leaked online showing Hugh Jackman with graying hair. Since this is going to be the final Wolverine movie in the trilogy (as well as Jackman's last time playing the character) chances are that the movie is going to have Logan go up against the organization that created him and shut it down for good. This would also be a good way to introduce X-23, who has been rumored to be appearing in the movie as well.
Everything that we thought we knew involving the movie seems to be up in the air now, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It's nice to have surprises thrown at us every once in a while. If this is truly going to be the title of the movie, we'll find out during San Diego Comic Con. That's when 20th Century Fox will be making the official announcement as to what the title is going to be.
Wolverine 3 (possibly Weapon X) will hit theaters March 3, 2017.
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