In this week's issue of Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars comic, Marvel "revealed" the true nature behind Venom's twisted nature.
In the original Secret Wars that was published back in the 80's, Venom was created by Spider-Man "thinking" of a new costume after his was damaged in a fight with a bunch of bad guys. A black glob appeared in front of him, and it proceeded to spread all over his body. Later, it was revealed to be a symbiote that was latching itself onto Spidey's mind and body, and after Spider-Man got rid of the "costume," it became Venom, one of Marvel's greatest villains of all time.
Okay, that was the short and sweet.
Deadpool wasn't around for the original Secret Wars publication, but as Marvel has shown, that doesn'tt mean he wasn't there! In their fourth Secret Wars (yes, fourth. There was Secret Wars, Secret Wars 2, then they had a four issue mini-series of a redrawing of the first, and now this one) they've infused Deadpool into the story, and before Spidey got his new costume, it showed that Deadpool actually created the black glob and attached itself to him. Because it's a symbiote, it latched onto his memories and thoughts which is what caused him to be so twisted. Deadpool was able to remove the symbiote before Spider-Man arrived and then the story picks up where the original one did, showing Spider-Man getting the new black costume, not knowing that it was forever tainted by Deadpool.
This was a great way to explain Venom's evil nature, since they showed that the planet that the symbiotes live on is actually one of peace. In Guardians of the Galaxy, they recently traveled to this planet, and the symbiotes were able to rid Venom of his "mental corruption, allowing current host Flash Thompson to fully tap into its full power."
This was probably one of the best rewrites that has ever been done in comics!