Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tom Hardy Is Going To Be The New Venom!

This is pretty cool!

With the surge of popularity behind the upcoming Spider-man: Homecoming film that will be released later this year, Sony feels confident in moving forward with their standalone Venom movie, and they just signed Tom Hardy to play Eddie Brock (a.k.a. Venom).  Nobody saw this coming, and it couldn't have been more welcome news.  Hardy is the perfect choice for the role, and with his experience that he brings to the project, it's promising to be an epic production.

Sony's plans is to go all out for 18 months of production filming, and have the film released into theaters October 5, 2018.  This is a pretty ambitious goal, but with a veteran actor like Hardy, who has worked on a number of blockbuster films, it shouldn't be a problem.  My only concern with the film is it's director, Ruben Fleischer.  This is a guy that I'm not very familiar with, so I went to his IMDB page, and it looks like while he's been an executive producer on a lot of projects, the only real experience he has in directing is with television shows.  Hopefully, he'll be able to handle a project of this magnitude, and believe me, this is an important movie for Sony, one that they have to have be successful.  All indicators are that this film will not take place in the MCU, and if Sony is really serious about building up their own superhero universe, this will be it's tent pole, not Spider-Man.  At some point down the road, Spider-Man may join the Venom Universe, but while the agreement between Sony and Marvel continues to take place, we shouldn't expect to hear any references to Peter Parker or Spider-Man in the upcoming films. 

Tom Hardy's ability to play a down-to-Earth character or a complete psychopath will bring an incredible amount of conflict to a character that, in the comic books, is consistently upstaged by Spider-Man, until he gives into his symbiotic host which is Venom.  How they will work around the Spider-Man angle in the film has yet to be revealed to us, and I'm sure it won't until the movie comes out.  With Hardy as Venom, though, what we can almost surely expect is one hell of a movie!

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