Monday, April 18, 2016

What Cable Brings To Deadpool 2

Here's Why Cable Is Perfect for ‘Deadpool 2’

In a very bold move, the writers for Deadpool inserted an after credits scene that announced that there would be a sequel, and that the sequel would also feature Cable.  The reason this was a bold move was because Deadpool 2 hadn't "officially" been given the green light, but after it pulled in over $750 million worldwide and becoming the highest grossing X-Men film, a second Deadpool was all but inevitable.  Both writers for the first film, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, have already begun writing the script for the second movie, and promise not to go "big".  They said a bigger budget and more special effects wouldn't be true to the character.  He's not out to save the world, just himself.  And now we know that Cable is going to be joining the Merc with a Mouth.  So why choose Cable in the first place?

In an interview with Hitfix that Reese did while promoting the Bluray and DVD release of the movie, he had this to say on the subject:

"There's a lot of fun in that he's very serious and he does take on more serious weighty issues than Deadpool's used to taking on, so I think there's a juxtaposition there that can be fun. We had a lot of fun with Colossus in the first movie, just by virtue of him being a foil to Deadpool, being a goody two-shoes and a straight shooter and Deadpool being irreverent. And I think Cable offers us the opportunity to provide another really cool, different foil for Deadpool."

This makes a lot of sense.  Colossus was the perfect choice to play foil to Deadpool, as Reese puts it.  He played the exact opposite of a personality to Deadpool, who always saw the potential in Wade, even though Deadpool constantly acted selfishly.  They were like the comic book version of the Odd Couple.  Bringing in Cable would allow them to follow the same formula, while expanding the X-Men universe at the same time.  It could even lead to Cable starring in an X-Men spin off movie like The New Mutants or X-Force.  As far as possibly being given a bigger budget to work with, Reese had this to say:

"We don't want to make a $200 million epic superhero Deadpool movie. We want to make the $50 million Deadpool sequel. And I think people tapped into this being a character piece, you know? This was a movie about a broken character, a broken guy who's just trying to make his way in the world, and I think we're gonna continue that moving forward. I think (raising the stakes) goes against who the character is. You know, Deadpool wants to save himself, he doesn't want to save the world. You know, he's not lifting cities up or fighting alien invasions."

Reese continued:

"We're opening up to some fun choices because we aren't really constrained as much. We can go almost wherever we want. There's a massive body of material in the comics. We have our own ideas, Ryan has his ideas, and so much of the fun of writing Deadpool is the freedom, the freedom to break rules, the freedom to do crazy things, and I think the sequel probably provides even more opportunity than the first movie to do that."

The release date for the sequel hasn't been announced yet, but chances are it could arrive as early as December 2017 or early 2018.  Deadpool comes out on Bluray and DVD May 10, 2016.

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