I know this is pointless to say, but ***POTENTIAL SPOILERS!!!*** ahead!
In some of my previous posts, I talked about how there have been a couple of funeral scenes that have been shot for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie. The rumors about who they are for point to Agent Peggy Carter, who we all know was in a bad way when we last saw her in Captain America: Winter Soldier, and Captain America himself. After Cap makes a deal with the government to give immunity to his team after everything is over, he gets shot after leaving the Capital Building.
It turns out that they might not be the only two that die.
A new rumor emerged claiming that the Russo brothers have actually filmed four funeral scenes! This could be true for a couple of reasons. The first one being that they filmed the four funerals, but only plan on using two or three. This would throw off people claiming to know what's going to happen in the film. The Empire Strikes Back did something similar to this when they were filming. When Darth Vader tells Luke that he was actually his father, while they were filming, Mark Hamill was told that Obi Wan killed his father. The actual line wasn't revealed until post production and release. So this could all be smoke and mirrors.
The second possibility is that there really will be four people dying in the film. If this is true, we already know (or think we know) that Agent Carter and Captain America are going to die, so that leaves two others that won't survive the movie. After reading a couple of articles that were speculating on who they could be, the two names that made the most sense were War Machine and Scarlett Witch. War Machine made sense because he's always been more of a background character in all of the Iron Man movies. Yeah, he's in them, but doesn't really do much except stumble around. Don't believe me? In Iron Man 2 his armor was taken control of and used against Iron Man. In Iron Man 3, his Iron Patriot armor was taken control of again. Don't need a character like that crapping things up all of the time. Scarlett Witch is a little harder to justify. She wasn't used to her full potential in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and with her brother dying in that movie, what's to keep them from offing her too in this movie?
So what do you all think? Remember, these are all just rumors, so this may or may not happen, but if it turns out to be true, who do you think the other two characters are that are going to die? Let me know in the comments section below.
Captain America: Civil War comes out May 6, 2016.
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