Monday, January 25, 2016

New Team Members Rumored For Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2


Just so you know, there are ***POTENTIAL SPOILERS!!!*** ahead.

"You said it yourself, bitch.  We're the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

Best line smack down line ever.  Yeah, the dance off line was pretty good, too.  It's moments like this that made the movie so much fun to watch, and why we can't wait for the sequel to arrive.  People hadn't expected much from the first movie before it came out, since most of us weren't that familiar with the characters, but now the expectations for the sequel are huge.  So what are we going to see when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 comes out?  How about some new members to the team? is reporting that a few new characters will be joining the motley crew for Vol. 2, and not all of them are going to be strangers, and one is a bit of a surprise.  They're saying that Yondu, Mantis, and Nebula (yes, that Nebula!) will be climbing aboard the Milano the next go around.  Yondu, as you know, is the captain of the Ravagers, and kidnapper of Peter Quill.  Mantis, as far as the comic book goes, is a telepath and an empath with the ability to do astral projections.  She's a master of the martial arts, and can control plants and vegetation.  She should make an interesting addition, considering Groot is basically a walking tree.  Then there's Nebula, Gamora's sister with an attitude.  How is it that she fits into the mix, considering that she tried to kill Gamora in the first film?  Ahh...sibling rivalries.

So that's it!  What do you think about these possible new crew members, and how do you think they'll react with the original ones?  You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 come out May 5, 2017.

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