Yeah, the picture above doesn't really have anything to do with what I'm writing today, it's just a really cool "Marvel" picture that I wanted to use.
But to the matter at hand! Have you ever heard of a comic book called Damage Control? No? Don't feel bad, I hadn't either. The title never grabbed my attention. It's been an on-again, off-again title for Marvel since 1988. The idea behind it is it's about the "cleaners" of the Marvel universe. When ever a Marvel character does damage, they're the ones that clean up the mess. Thor accidentally destroys a small town while battling Loki? The Hulk goes green and rampages through the city and wrecks everything in his path? Who ya gonna call? Yeah, I know, that was a Ghostbusters line, but it still works here!
Dwayne McDuffie and Ernie Colon, the co-creators of the comic book, pitched the idea of the title to Disney, and ABC picked up the script to produce a pilot of the show in Marvel's first ever attempt at a half-hour comedy show. It will be developed by Ben Karlin, who does Modern Family, and it's executive producers will be David Milner and Marvel head of television Jeph Loeb. Loeb is the guy behind the Marvel shows on Netflix (i.e. Daredevil, Jessica Jones.) This is what had to say about the series:
"The series will follow a cleaning crew who specializes in the aftermath of superhero conflicts. When ray guns need to be returned to their owners, displaced animals need to be tracked down or new wedding venues need to be secured at the last minute because the original one was blown up by one of Hawkeye's explosive arrows, these are the men to call."
They say that the show will be shot with a single camera point of view, kind of like The Office, and that it'll be a half-hour sitcom. This might actually work for Marvel. Their movies have quite a bit of humor in them, so this doesn't seem that big of a stretch. If this show does turn out to be a hit, it's characters could make cameos in the movies, adding a little bit more humor to the flick without taking away from it's main characters. So what do you think? Do you think that this could work? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
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