Monday, February 16, 2015

Is The Punisher Already Established In The MCU?

I was chatting online with a friend about the recent news that Spider-Man was going to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he was pretty excited about it.  He also told me that he wished that Marvel would make a new Punisher movie.  You know...a good one.

That got me thinking.  I seemed to recall an article that was written by Russ Burlingame on, and it talked about how the Russo guys may have already introduced him to us in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  Here's what was said:

“During an interview with, the filmmakers revealed that during Captain America: The Winter Soldier, there are two separate instances when the heroes are saved or villains get their comeuppance as a result of a yellow Penske truck. Apparently, in-story, those were both the same truck and driver.
Here's how ComingSoon reported it (leaving in their commentary as well): "The man who drives that truck," Joe deadpans, joking that the driver is a candidate for a future Marvel One-Shot, "Is very highly trained. He thinks on his own terms. He's got a plan and a very specific skill set."
That sounds to a lot of fans, including some commenters on the original story, as though it could be The Punisher, a Vietnam veteran whose familiy was killed by the mob and who responded by dedicating himself to killing as many criminals as he can.”

Marvel regained control of the Punisher property after Lionsgate failed to earn a profit on three attempts with it.  It seems more likely that Marvel would introduce him on Netflix with his own series before trying to bring him back to the big screen, but if this news is accurate, then we may see him sooner than Captain America: Civil War?  How about a Punisher/Spider-Man team up? :)

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