Monday, September 5, 2016

This New Marvel Television Show Is Going To Be HORRIBLE!!!

While Marvel may rule the roost when it comes to movies, their television shows seem to be lacking quite a bit.  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. seems like they have to reinvent themselves every season, and while Daredevil seems to be doing pretty good over at Netflix, the rest of the Marvel shows haven't quite found their audience.  Disagree with me if you want, but when Fuller House beats out all of the Marvel properties on Netflix in total viewers, there's a serious problem!  Now, TV Line is reporting that Marvel TV and ABC Studios are wanting to develop a half-hour comedy series that follows the "New Warriors," a teenage superhero team, and it's lead would be Doreen Green, also known as "Squirrel Girl."  While it's being developed, the two companies are trying to decide if they should have it run on ABC, or if they should consider shopping it around to other cable networks or streaming services.  This is Marvel TV's worst idea so far.

While the MCU movies contain humor and tend to be mostly light-hearted films...I mean, when the world isn't about to end or when they're fighting amongst one another, a half-hour comedy that follows superheroes, teenagers or not, cheapens the entire MCU.  It'd be like if you were being robbed and call 911, but when the police come, it's the keystone cops.  You can have a show that's witty and funny, but you can't have a comedy show and expect the same fans that enjoy the movies to flock over to watch it.  And guys?  Just because you put "Marvel" on something. doesn't mean that it's going to be good.

In case you didn't know, there's been an internal war going on over at Marvel.  Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has recently distanced himself from Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb.  Conflicts between the two have been going on for a while now, and Feige has had enough.  Because of this rift, Loeb can basically do whatever he wants on the TV side of Marvel, but he has no input what-so-ever on the movie side.  Hoping to see Coulson show up in the next Avengers film?  Don't count on it.  While both their movies and television shows take place in the MCU, these two are definitely separate.  While one or both might mention something that's happened with others storyline, don't expect any crossovers any time soon.  That is, unless Feige and Loeb can start getting along.  And just for the record?  Feige is in the right, and Loeb is the one being difficult.

Back to this New Warriors idea.  It's bad.  Why didn't they go the movie route for Squirrel Girl when Anna Kendrick said that she wanted to star in it if it ever became a movie?  Heck, even the Russo brothers are behind her on this and think that it's a great idea!  But, alas, if this show does end up getting made, it will go out the same way Agent Carter did, as a disappointing attempt with a character that fans used to like.  Thanks, Marvel TV.

This is just my opinion on the news of the new television show.  If you have a different opinion on the matter, feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.  Would love to hear what you all think about all of this.

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