Saturday, May 28, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens LP Holds Crazy Secret

Does anybody out there still own a record player?  If you do, then you may want to go out and buy the Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2 LP hologram vinyl set when it comes out June 17, 2016.  Check out the video below to see why:

While vinyl LP's aren't nearly as popular as they were when Star Wars: A New Hope was released back in 1977, they are still made in limited production.  When Disney decided to release the John Williams score onto records, they wanted to do something special with it, so they reached out to Tristan Duke for help.  Duke is an artist and a holographer who founded Infinity Light Science back in 2008.  His company is a research laboratory that focuses on laser holography, hand-drawn holography, and other forms of light manipulation.  Duke was able to carve grooves into the vinyl that recorded light, and when the record was played, it gave them the images on the record that you saw in the above video.

On one of the records you're able to see the Millennium Falcon, while on the other one gives you a Tie-Fighter.  Both are done in amazing detail, and if you think about all of the intricate cuts that it took to create these images, it really is pretty awe inspiring.  So if you still own a record player and you haven't used it in a few decades, this might be the album for you to buy to convince you to take it out of storage and set it back up.

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