"Right now, as the movie exists, Professor X would be a part of a New Mutants movie."
That's what X-Men franchise producer Simon Kinberg said during an interview with Collider. Kinberg, who also wrote both Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, has been making his rounds promoting the upcoming X-Men film. Even though he's out talking about X-Men: Apocalypse, he's been asked where 20th Century Fox plans to go with the X-Men universe after the finale to their second trilogy comes to an end. The movie company has no plans to stop making movies that deal with the X-Men universe. Right now, filming is taking place for Wolverine 3, a sequel to this years surprise hit Deadpool is in the works, and a spin-off movie for Gambit is still being hashed out, but as far as an "X-Men team movie" is concerned, the New Mutants movie seems to be the only one that has been confirmed. In fact, things have been rolling along so smoothly for the film that they believe that filming could begin for the movie as early as next year.
Other than James McAvoy being mentioned to be apart of the film, other mutants that are being hinted at as appearing are Wolfsbane and Magik (two team members from the comic book) as well as the possibility of Storm (the Storm from Apocalypse) showing up as a teacher at the Xavier school, Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) and Cyclops (Tye Sheridan). The movie is going to be directed by Josh Boone, who directed The Fault in Our Stars, a wildly popular young adult (YA) movie. Boone is also co-writing the film along with Knate Lee. Fox is hoping that their movie will appeal to the YA crowd, and not just die-hard fans of the comic books. This would ensure Fox a younger audience that can grow up along with the characters in the movie, and hopefully continue to pay to see them in future films.
All of this talk of spin-off movies doesn't necessarily mean that we won't be given any more X-Men movies. Direct Bryan Singer has indicated that he'd like to return to the franchise after Apocalypse and do an X-Men movie where they go into space. Even though the X-Men do travel around the universe at times in the comic books, I'm not so sure if this is a great fit for the cinematic universe. Before Singer decides to do this, he may want to wait until his Apocalypse movie comes out and sees how it does. It's hard to tell if it'll be a hit with fans, or have a huge opening weekend and then drop like a rock the following weekend like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice did. From what early reviews are saying about the film, it may be the latter. But what do critics know, right?
X-Men: Apocalypse arrives in theaters May 27, 2016.
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