Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Guess Who May Be Joining The DC Cinematic Universe! Here's A Hint...

...Give up, or did you figure it out?
We've known for a while now that DC and Warner Brothers are going to be giving us a whole slew of comic book-based movies, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, followed by a Suicide Squad movie, then Justice League, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, and finally Green Lantern,  What hasn't been reported on are all of the secondary characters that will be making their way to the silver screen along with them.  As the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and The Suicide Squad quickly approaches, more of these characters are beginning to be revealed, and there is one in particular that has me quite excited!
According to Latino Review, there is going to be a back story that will be woven into the upcoming films that deals with Jason Todd, the second Robin, that was famously killed by the Joker in the Batman comic books back in 1988.  Fans were allowed to vote on his fate by calling an 800 number, and although the vote was close, Robin was killed off.
*side note-I called and voted for him to be killed off. Jason Todd was no Dick Grayson, and I was happy to see him go.
It's being reported that in the upcoming Batman v Superman film, there will be shots of the Batcave in which we are allowed to see a tattered Robin costume.  It's not discussed or explained, but it's there none the less.  When the Suicide Squad movie hits later that same year, we'll be given more of a glimpse as to why it's there.
As I've told you already in previous posts, the Suicide Squad movie is set to take place prior to the events of Batman v Superman.  In it, people aren't actually aware of the existence of Batman.  He's kind of an urban legend, a bogeyman. He is a primary focus for Amanda Waller, who is determined to find out who he is, and believes that he will be the answer to finding out who all of the "Supers" are.  She believes that by acquiring this knowledge the government will gain the upper hand in controlling these "superheroes."  This is the main reason why the Joker is in her custody.  You see, the Joker is the only person that has actually dealt with the Batman, and Waller believes he is the answer to finding out who he really is.
In the movie, Harley Quinn and the Joker have had a falling out, and it's rumored to be because she feels guilty about Jason Todd's death.  The Latino Review makes it clear that the Joker is somehow responsible for Todd's death in the DC Cinematic Universe, but the situation and circumstances surrounding his death aren't revealed.  They do report, however, that DC and Warner Brothers are very interested in making the Red Hood a "priority character," which means we'll be seeing the eventual appearance of Jason Todd somewhere down the road.
What do you think?  Does this news excite you as much as it does me?  Even though I couldn't stand Todd as Robin, the Red Hood is one of my favorite characters in the Batman universe.  If you want to catch up on who the Red Hood is and you don't want to go digging through a bunch of comic books, make sure to check out the DC animated feature Batman: Under The Red Hood.  It's a fantastic movie!
Until next time, people...same Bat-time...same Bat-channel!

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