Monday, April 27, 2015

Another Classic Movie Is About To Get, Remade.

Why, oh why, oh why do movie companies feel the need to remake classic movies?  This latest remake that's been announced is probably the worst idea possible because it came out in a time where movies weren't nearly as dark, there was humor involved, and the campy special effects were what helped it be so fun.  I'm talking about Gremlins.
Chris Columbus, the original film's screenwriter, is back to co-produce the reboot along with Steven Speilberg, and the new script is being written by Carl Ellsworth, who's writing credits include Disturbia and The Last House On The Left.  So why and go and screw up a classic movie with a reboot?  Here's what Chris Columbus had to say about the new movie:
"It's real.  I am involved.  When I finished Gremlins and the first Gremlins was released, I was asked to write a sequel and said there was no place else to go.  Now this was before the pre-crazy-franchise-era of Hollywood where everything is a franchise.  So obviously a long 30 years has passed, and I thought, 'Okay, we can do this. We can actually find a way not to remake the first movie, but take those characters and do something interesting.'"
"I realized, not from the Star Wars phase, but from JJ Abrams other movie, when he did Star Trek, he has a sense of taking that sort of sense of nostalgia we all want and bringing it forward like he brought Leonard Nimoy into the first Star Trek.  And that to me was why we connected to that and it was painfully obvious wen we saw the Star Wars trailer recently that when you saw Han Solo and Chewbacca, we all had tears in our eyes because we want that feeling again."
"So I thought, 'Okay, it's cool.'  If we can pull it off - If we can create that feeling but deliver something new to the audience, then maybe we can do a really terrific Gremlins reboot."
I'm not sure if I feel better about the whole thing after hearing from Columbus, but at least he's going to try and recapture that same feeling for the reboot.  Me?  I still think it's a horrible idea.  But what do I know?  I just love movies and hate it when movie studios care more about making money than making good and new ORIGINAL movies.  Leave the classics alone.  Don't think that this is a bad idea? Robocop, Total Recall...  

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