Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Could This Character Be Appearing In Rogue One?

A new rumor is going around surrounding Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and in about ten days we'll find out if it's true.

Just to be sure, this could be a ***POTENTIAL SPOILER!!!*** for the upcoming film, so be warned if you do not want to know.  Still with me?  Okay, let's get started...

We all know that there are going to be characters from the previous movies appearing in Rogue One.  Darth Vader is appearing, as well as Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Grand Moff Tarkin.  Now, according to Reddit user "tphilb", we can add Princess Leia to that list.  He claims that he was able to get the end credit list at his job, and that it listed Princess Leia being played by Ingvild Deila.  If you aren't familiar with her, don't feel bad.  While she's done a lot of acting in short films, her largest role was listed as "World Hub Tech" in Avengers: Age of Ultron, according to IMDB.  Since this is just a list of names, the size of her role isn't known.  It could be a large part, or it could just be a cameo.  This makes sense, to be honest, since we see Princess Leia smuggling the plans to the Death Star to the Rebels at the beginning to A New Hope.  Until it comes out ten days from now, we won't know the size of her role for certain.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters December 16.

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