Deadpool is still amazing people in the theaters, having topped the box office for a third straight week, and pulling down $600 million internationally. Not bad for a film that was made on a shoe string budget of $58 million! 20th Century Fox had a pretty good feeling that it had a hit on its hands, and went ahead and gave the green light for a sequel even before the movie was released into theaters. As we know from the after-the-credits scene, X-Men favorite Cable will be joining the Merc with the Mouth. But who else could we expect to see?
According to an article that was published by Yahoo Movies (yeah...yeah...I know. I'm a little disappointed in having to use them for this one, too) Domino will be making her live-action debut in the follow up to Deadpool. Domino, also known as Neena Thurman, is a mutant mercenary that had the ability to manipulate luck. Whenever she gets into a sticky situation, she always manages to come out on top. She's worked with Cable while part of a group called the Six Pack, and was second in command of X-Force, behind Cable.
This addition makes sense. 20th Century Fox is looking ot expand its X-Men properties with X-Force being their top priority, after Deadpool. With the success of Deadpool, introducing X-Force members in his sequel is a smart movie, letting fans get to know who the players are from the team before launching their own standalone movie. This will cut down on the need for "origin stories" and let them jump right into the action. That's not to say that they won't look at these character's origins, but it won't make it the main focus of the film.
No one has been picked to play Domino yet, so let the speculation begin. Deadpool 2 will be released...well, we have no idea when it will be released yet. 20th Century Fox did announce two dates for future Marvel projects that they own the rights to, but they could be any number of films. It could be the new Gambit movie, X-Force, The New Mutants, Wolverine 3, Deadpool 2, or (heaven help us) Fantastic Four 2. The dates announced for these two films are October 6, 2017 and January 12, 2018. I'd expect that the January 12, 2018 film will be the follow-up to Deadpool, seeing as how well it did this past January with its release.
Who do you want to see in the role of Domino? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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