The other day, Warner Bros. announced that filming has begun on the upcoming Wonder Woman stand alone film. To keep up the momentum that is surrounding the first comic book adapted female heroine movie, there are rumors swirling around that Black Canary will be appearing in the upcoming Justice League movie. The two actresses that are being mentioned for the role are Abbey Lee (Mad Max: Fury Road) and Alona Tal (Burn Notice, Supernatural.)
Something else that's making it's way around the interweb is that there might be a Birds of Prey movie that is being considered. Black Canary, of course, is one of the Birds of Prey, along with Barabra Gordan, who is also rumored to be appearing in the Justice League movie, and will possibly be portrayed by Jena Malone. It's not known if Barabra Gordan will be appearing as Oracle (pre-New 52) or Oracle/Batgirl (post-New 52). Other members of the team haven't been mentioned, but considering the rotating members that they've enjoyed, there could be any number of possibilities.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters March 25, 2016.
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