Can you believe it? Star Wars: The Force Awakens hasn't even been released yet, and Star Wars: Rogue One won't even come out until next December, and now we hear that the third Star Wars film is getting ready to start filming! At this rate, they'll probably have five movies in editing before The Force Awakens even gets released!
Earlier it was reported that Lucasfilm was shooting scenes at Skellig Michael, and Irish island, for what many people thought were reshoots for the upcoming Episode VII film. This was a reasonable assumption, considering that they had been shooting there earlier for scenes in the upcoming movie. However, we've come to find out that the shots are actually for the next chapter in the new trilogy. This is surprising news, because they weren't supposed to start filming until next year. So what gives?
Devin Faraci, the same writer that I quoted in yesterday's post, thinks it has to do with the weather. This makes a lot of sense, considering it is Ireland, and they aren't necessarily known for their clear skies and sunshine. If they know that the weather is going to be turning grey soon, better to get things out of the way now so it doesn't hold up production down the road. He also said that Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley were the only two actors that were involved with the shoot.
So what gives? Is Luke training Rey to become a Jedi? Why else would the two of them be spending so much time filming together? There has also been a lot of speculation as to whether or not Rey is the daughter of Han and Leia (as well as Kylo Ren being her brother) which would make her "Force sensitive." If Luke sees this, and he's the last Jedi in the universe (as it's being reported) then he'd want to train her to keep her on the Light Side of the Force and away from the Dark Side. Don't expect to find out her heritage this December, though. Remember that it took us until the end of The Empire Strikes Back to find out that Darth Vader was Luke's father. Actually, we didn't find out until The Return of the Jedi that he was actually his father. After Empire a lot of people just thought that Vader was just trying to trick Luke.
Something else that should be noted here, it's being said that the actual ruins from Skellig Michael are being used, and that they are rumored to be the remains of Sith ruins. Makes me even more excited for this December so we can all find out just what the hack is going on in a galaxy far, far away!
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