The season finale of the Flash has been over for a week, but it is still being talked about, and a lot of questions are being raised from what we saw. One of the biggest conversations that's taking place is, "What the heck was Eddie wearing around his neck when he died?" Here's a still frame shot of what everyone is talking about:
At first, people were speculating that maybe it was the engagement ring that he was going to give Iris, but if you look closely at it, it doesn't look like an engagement ring. Others thought that maybe it was the Reverse-Flash's ring, and he somehow lifted it from him while he was being held captive, but really? You honestly think that Eddie could've lifted something from someone that can move at super speed and not get caught? Seems highly unlikely. So here's the third theory...he's wearing a talisman. So now you're asking what? Right? Okay, check this out...
Over in DC comics, back in the nineties, a writer by the name of Mark Waid introduced a character by the name of Malcolm Thawn, who turned out to be Barry Allen's long lost twin brother. I know, a little to "soap-opera-y"for me, but it did happen. When they were born, the doctor told Norah Allen that one of the twins had been stillborn, and so they took Barry home. The doctor then turned around and gave Malcolm to the Thawne family. After growing up and learning his true identity, Malcolm became enraged at Barry for having the life of love and privilege that he felt he should have had instead, and swore revenge on Barry. Malcolm began to dabble in sorcery, magic, and witchcraft and created a talisman that gave the wearer whatever it was that they desired. What Malcolm desired was everything that Barry had...including his super speed. The only problem with this was that in the comics, Barry had already died, and Wally West was the current Flash. Denied revenge on his brother, he focused his hatred onto Wally, who Malcolm saw as Barry's heir. When Malcolm went after Wally, he took on the name "Cobalt Blue."
Now let's go back to the television show. Do you remember when Cisco was trying to build Well's time sphere? They determined that the tungsten plate that they were using would give off some sort of charge that wouldn't allow for the sphere to work, and it was suggested that they use cobalt instead. It didn't seem very important at the time, but after seeing the talisman around Eddie's neck when he died, and putting it into context with the history of Colbalt Blue that I just gave you, could it be that they were planting the seed for something that's yet to take place? They would do that, right? Naw...
The writers for the show have already said that Rick Cosnett, who plays Eddie Thawne on the show, will not be returning as a series regular, but he will be making appearances in season two. They have also said that they are going to be dealing with alternative universes and alternate timelines next season, as well. Could Eddie be Barry's twin brother in one of these alternate universes and become Colbalt Blue? They don't seem that far apart in age, and I guess an argument could be made that they actual are, so why not?
What do you think? Does this argument hold any water, or am I reading way too much into things? Let me know your thoughts on the whole thing in the comments section below.
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